This plugin is not maintained, please useThis is translate language plugin.
- translate
- curl
- vim 8.1.1513 or above/Neovim
You can use the plugin manager or Vim8 package manager. eg: dein.vim
repo = 'skanehira/translate.vim'
The default is to translate English into Japanese.
The language code is bellow.
Translate current line
Translate specified words
" result: こんにちは私の名前はゴリラです
:Translate hello my name is gorilla
Reverse between resource and target to translate when using "!"
" result: It's a gorilla
:Translate! ゴリラです
Translate selected lines
You can use below options
let g:translate_source = "en"
let g:translate_target = "ja"
let g:translate_popup_window = 0 " if you want use popup window, set value 1
let g:translate_winsize = 10 " set buffer window height size if you doesn't use popup window
You can also set key mappings.
nmap gr <Plug>(Translate)
vmap t <Plug>(VTranslate)
If you using popup window and you want yank translate result, you can use y
to do it.