A simple online english dictionary
A simple and ease to use English dictionary written in C using epoll in server side and javascript in client side. Data is extracted from LDOCE
Directory structure:
Server side code, in C./client
Util test and performance test code/src
Clojure and java code to generate the dbdata file
dbdata file format
- first 2 byte: how many words in this file. big-endian
- the rest are word items, one by one
- word items are sorted asc
- word item format, five parts, in order
- word
- \0
- 1 bit: 0 is gzipped data, 1 is unzipped
- 15 bit: how many bytes of data of this word
- data of this word
Linux epoll's performance is amazing
while 800k idle connection is kept, still 53.4k req/s. more info