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ToastNotifications v2
Toast notifications for WPF
ToastNotifications allows you to create and display rich notifications in WPF applications. It's highly configurable with set of built-in options like positions, behaviours, themes and many others. It's extendable, it gives you possibility to create custom and interactive notifications in simply manner.
1 Install via nuget:
ToastNotifications and ToastNotifications.Messages
Install-Package ToastNotifications
Install-Package ToastNotifications.Messages
ToastNotifications v2 is plugin oriented.
Nugget "ToastNotifications" is a core, which contains only main mechanisms for creating and displaying notifications. Predefined messages and other not key functionalities are provided by separate nuggets.
Nugget ToastNotifications.Messages contains basic messages like error, information, warning, success. It's not required in case you want to create your own messages.
2 Import ToastNotifications.Messages theme in App.xaml
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/ToastNotifications.Messages;component/Themes/Default.xaml" />
3 Create Notifier instance
using ToastNotifications;
using ToastNotifications.Lifetime;
using ToastNotifications.Position;
/* * */
Notifier notifier = new Notifier(cfg =>
cfg.PositionProvider = new WindowPositionProvider(
parentWindow: Application.Current.MainWindow,
corner: Corner.TopRight,
offsetX: 10,
offsetY: 10);
cfg.LifetimeSupervisor = new TimeAndCountBasedLifetimeSupervisor(
notificationLifetime: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3),
maximumNotificationCount: MaximumNotificationCount.FromCount(5));
cfg.Dispatcher = Application.Current.Dispatcher;
4 Use provided messages
using ToastNotifications.Messages;
/* * */
5 Dispose notifier when it's no longer needed
/* * */
Relesae notes Release notes, description of new features, bug fixes and breaking changes.
Upgrading from v1 ToastNotifications v2 is completely new implementation and it's not compatibile with version 1, follow migration instructions to upgrade to the new version.
Configuration ToastNotifications v2 has lots of configuration options for its position, lifetime, messages and many others, this document describe them all.
Creating custom notifications This document describes how to create your own notifications.
Strongly named assemblies ToastNotifications v2 assembies are signed. Read this doc for more details.
Andy Li (https://github.com/oneandy)
B. Micka (https://github.com/b-mi)
CuiLiang (https://github.com/cuiliang)
BrainCrumbz (https://github.com/BrainCrumbz)
Fischjoghurt (https://github.com/Fischjoghurt)
Francois Botha igitur (https://github.com/igitur)
Jan M. (https://github.com/Pantheas)
Johannes Jidel (https://github.com/jidel)
Kostiantyn (https://github.com/dualbios)
Krzysztof Zmorzyński (https://github.com/ZmorzynskiK)
Robin Krom Lakritzator (https://github.com/Lakritzator)
Uwy (https://github.com/Uwy)
William David Cossey (https://github.com/wdcossey)
Creating new issues
Before you create new issue, please check the documentation, because many features and options are already there. (https://github.com/raflop/ToastNotifications/tree/master-v2/Docs)
If there is still a problem, please create new issue/question filling following informations. If it's possible, please provide a sample code to reproduce issue.