Unmaintained Project
This project is currently unmaintained. If you would like to see development continue, you have two options:
- Hire the maintainers to work on this project.
- Volunteer to take over the project yourself.
To explore either option, please contact @pydanny.
Table of Contents
A Django application for easily converting HTML <textarea>s into rich HTML editors that meet US Government 508/WAC standards. This application has been demonstrated to work just fine with django-crispy-forms (https://github.com/maraujop/django-crispy-forms).
Currently this works as a template tag. We did it this way because control of how editing works is arguably a template issue (i.e. presentation) and not a forms/model issue (i.e. control).
YUI is the default editor due to familiarity, accessiblity and the fact that it's possible to run with entirely off of Yahoo's CDN, avoiding the need to maintain any local resources. CKEditor can be used but will require you to install the CKEditor files in STATIC_URL/ckeditor (see below).
If you want to contribute to django-wysiwyg, please do so from the repository at http://github.com/pydanny/django-wysiwyg.
Note: This may be obvious, but this only works on <textarea>
(models.TextField) and not simple character ( <input>
) fields.
Via pip:
pip install django-wysiwyg
Add 'django_wysiwyg' to your INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py:
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'django_wysiwyg', )
Using the CKEditor
If you wish to use CKEditor set the flavor in settings.py:
Please note that doing so requires you to make sure the CKEditor distributables are available. You can either:
- place the ckeditor distributables under STATIC_URL/ckeditor
- install django-ckeditor and include it in the
- set DJANGO_WYSIWYG_MEDIA_URL in settings.py to the appropriate location containing the ckeditor distribution.
Using TinyMCE
To use TinyMCE, use the following settings:
DJANGO_WYSIWYG_FLAVOR = "tinymce" # or "tinymce_advanced"
The TinyMCE distributables need to be available. You can either:
- place them in STATIC_URL/tinymce
- install django-tinymce and include it in the
- set DJANGO_WYSIWYG_MEDIA_URL to the appropriate location.
Other editors
The following values are allowed for the DJANGO_WYSIWYG_FLAVOR
- ckeditor - The CKEditor, formally known as FCKEditor.
- redactor - The Redactor editor (requires a license).
- froala - The Froala editor (requires a license).
- tinymce - The TinyMCE editor, in simple mode.
- tinymce_advanced - The TinyMCE editor with many more toolbar buttons.
- yui - The YAHOO editor (the default)>
- yui_advanced - The YAHOO editor with more toolbar buttons.
- alloyeditor - The AlloyEditor, a modern editor based on CKEditor
Other editors can be supported by providing the required templates; see http://django-wysiwyg.readthedocs.org/en/latest/extending.html
Within your pages
There are two template tags: wysiwyg_setup
must be called once per page,
preferably in the <head>, to load the JavaScript dependencies.
should be called once per text area, after the text area has
been created. A simple example:
{% load wysiwyg %} {% wysiwyg_setup %} <textarea id="foo"></textarea> {% wysiwyg_editor "foo" %}
Within Django Admin
django-wysiwyg comes with a custom file that serves as a base template for alterations to admin displays. To make an admin field display rich text, do the following:
In your custom app's admin.py file, on the MyModelAdmin class, add
change_form_template = 'my-app-name/admin/change_form.html'
. For example:from django.contrib import admin from fun.models import Playground class PlaygroundAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): change_form_template = 'fun/admin/change_form.html' admin.site.register(Playground, PlaygroundAdmin)
. For example:cp django_wysiwyg/templates/my-app-name/admin/change_form.html pydanny/templates/fun/admin/change_form.html
Now open the new
file. You will need to set the fields you want made into rich text editors by adding {% wysiwyg_editor "id_description" %} template tag calls, replacing "id_description" with whatever your form's HTML field is named. For example:{% extends "admin/change_form.html" %} {% load wysiwyg %} {% block extrahead %} {{ block.super }} {% wysiwyg_setup %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {{ block.super }} {% wysiwyg_editor "id_description" %} {% endblock %}
Handling Content
Cleaning HTML
django_wysiwyg.clean_html will be exported if you have either html5lib (http://code.google.com/p/html5lib/) or pytidylib installed. Both should install with pip or easy_install, although the later will require having the htmltidy C library installed.
Using clean_html in views is simple:
data = django_wysiwyg.clean_html(data)
To display raw HTML
In your templates:
{% autoescape off %} {{ content }} {% endautoescape %}
{{ content|safe }}
This should not be used without careful consideration if your content comes from untrusted users
clean_html does not protect against security problems; sanitize_html attempts to do so but is only available with html5lib (tidylib has no equivalent mode) and should currently be considered experimental.