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  • Created over 5 years ago
  • Updated almost 4 years ago


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Flutter code recipes to learn developing cross-platform mobile apps in iOS, Android and Web.

Flutter Code recipes

Follow me at twitter: @ptyagi13 Medium: @ptyagicodecamp

#flutter, #flutter-themes, #flutter-widgets,#cross-platform, #android, #ios, #mobile,#flutter-development,#flutter-channel, #flutter-samples,#flutter-code,#material

Checkout code recipes listing here

Implement Flutter themes using Provider

Implementing switching from light to dark theme and vice versa using Provider plugin for dependency injection and state management.

  • Read article here

  • Source code is available here

  • Youtube video is available here

Material icons for Flutter Web (Hummingbird)

In this video, I've explained how to fix material icons for Flutter Web (Hummingbird).

  • Read article here

  • Source code is available here

Using ColorTween in Flutter app

  • Widget: Color Tween

  • Read article here

  • Native (Android / iOS) recipe source code is available here

  • Web (Hummingbird) recipe source code is available here

  • Youtube video is available here

Understanding PopupMenuButton Widget

Implementing toggle Switch for in-app Privacy Policy

Implementing Login and Register in Flutter Apps

Implementing Login and Register functionality in Flutter apps using Firebase Auth

  • Source code is available here

  • Youtube video is available here

Implementing Login in Flutter Web (Hummingbird)

  • Read article here: Implementing Login in Flutter Web (Hummingbird) here

  • Watch Android & iOS LogIn implementation here

  • Setup Firebase Project

  • Hummingbird / Flutter Web implementation's source code is available here

  • Android & iOS implementation's source code is available here