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* W.I.P *🛠 Full-on full stack front end and a bit of back end web development challenge. Challenging every day to learn new stuffs about react & its in-depth features and also to explore the taste of various stacks.MongoDB-React-Express-Node-Fullstack-TechBlogsite
(W.I.P) * 🛠 Fullstack Blogsite built using React/Nextjs as a frontend , express js (backend framework) and MongoDB as a database.Also, implemented various features like form validation ,user authentication(signup and login functionalities) ,separate user profiles, reset password, forgot password and much more.SupabaseEcommerce
Supabase EcommerceMERN-awesome-blog
Find all the book s related to Python , Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning ,Deep Learning and Data Science.(python materials =>Python-libraries-you-arent-using-but-should,Wikki books Python Tutorial,AutoMate Booring Stuff with Python,Functional Programming in Python,Google python guide,Building skills with PythonCracking codes with Python Build-app-with-python-antitextbook Biopython AutoMate Booring Stuff with Pythonfullstack-react-timeline
Timeline of Full-on full stack front end and a bit of back end web development challenge. Challenging every day to learn new stuffs about react & its in-depth features and also to explore the taste of various stacks.rangichangi-chamkilo-vscode-theme
Dark and awesome vscode theme for your need. To begin with, install the base theme from the VS Marketplace. This is the way the RangiChangi Chamkilo theme is intended to be used day-to-day. Just Tap Install and you are ready to go.react-music-player-app
An awesome and very simple web app. It includes features like a leaflet.js map layout and provides the fully-fledged ability for any user to use it. A leaflet js is a javascript library for creating an interactive maps.Template-grabber-Node-CLI
Ultimate developer learning resource sharing web application built using react and firebase and styled using tailwind css.This web app is especially for developers who are learning, struggling, and hustlingproject-case-study-mern-app
Slick and elegant music player which follows the design of the real Spotify app. It is built using React js and implemented hooks & context.To actually make it playable "The Web audio API" is implemented.React-three-fiber-isomorphic-earth
Isomorphic earth using three.js and react-three-fiber.Gltf 3D file was used to create the geometry and material for the sphere. To edit gltf file GLTFLoader was used from three.js and the useLoader() hook from react-three-fiber. Also, for the rotation of the planet useFrame() hooks was used.SmoothNeuronChatApp
A very simple chat application to chat with random strangers,accessible by anyone, accessible anywhere in the world. In this app we just chat with each other, simply just sign up with username and password and you are good to go. No advertisements, no fancy stuffs, Just a messaging app with stranger or you can chat with your friend by connecting with their username in real time.This app is made for fun and its completely free, No advertisements, No In-app payments just Enjoy it !! Cheers !!.UltraQuickPythonRefresher
Short sweet and quick new Python tutorial which explains the essential topics one needs to learn to move forward in Python's learning journey.MongoDB-and-NextJS-Hotel-Reservation-App
Hotel reservation application built using Nextjs and integrating it with Mongo DataBase and also utilizing the sample data provided by mongodbJava-practice-with-solution
Programming Projects:medusa-digital-ocean
Upload image in database using PHP .Giving file path and storing that image inside a specific folder rather than uploading whole image in database.Fullstack-WebDevelopment-Challenge
Full on full stack front end and back end web development challenge.Challenging everyday to learn new technology and trying to implement it by building new and awesome stuffs.Chat-With-World-WebApp
An awesome and very simple web app.It includes a features like a simple flexbox layout, and provides the fully fledged ability for any user to add and remove their vision,ideas and poems from a Firebase database.CourseraMusicalTrackDatabase
Coursera Musical Track Database. This application will read an iTunes export file in XML and produce a properly. normalized database with this structureRottenAvocado
Ultimate blog searching application built using react as a frontend, redux (for managing state), and react-google-login for authenticating the user and extracting all the blog posts from API.Ecommerce-merch-details-search-chrome-extension
Simple and awesome chrome extension to search the merchandise directly form your favorite nepali ecommerce platform just by single click of a button. It is created using vanilla javascript.Searchhubify-Visualizing-GithubUsers-Info-WebApp
A very simple web app to visualize the profile of GitHub users.(Git commits , language used, activity status and much more). Currently For now unauthenticated requests, the rate limit allows for up to 60 requests per hour. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making the requests.DevelopingMobileApplication-AllLabExercise
DevelopingMobileApplication All Lab Exercises and assignments AndroidLifecycle Log Timer BasketBallCounter HelloAndroidWorld HelloConstraint HelloToastActivityIntent HelloToastChallenge ImplicitIntents and ImplicitIntents Receiver Menus&Pickers NerveAttack OnSaveInstanceStateOncreate PramitDMAToastCount PramitQuizApplication QuizApplicationScoreDisplay RecyclerView ToastCountResetConstraint TwoActivities ViewModelScoreCounter lifecyclecallbacksTwoActivitiesDS-algo-and-leetcode-in-javascript
𓀀 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇 𓀈 𓀉 𓀊 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓀎 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒 𓀓 𓀔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀗 𓀘 𓀙 𓀚 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝 Data Structure is about organizing and managing data effectively such that we can perform specific operation efficiently while Algorithm is a step-by-step procedure to be followed to reach the desired output.Realtime-weather-widget-WebApp
Cozy weather app widget created with the help of react and Climacell Weather API. Grab it download it , play with it , insert your own API key & lat/lon. Also, you can Embed this whole weather widget webApp in your personal website using the <iframe> tag (Check Detailed documentation @ Readme )MERN-production-ready-authentication
Login and register authenticaton and authorization using MERN stack.It includes hashing password and stroing them in secure place. and generating JWT token and storing it in the frontend and it also includes password reset feature by sending emails using nodemailer and sendgrid.Apple-WWDC21-landing-page-clone-using-react
A simple clone of the apple WWDC 2021 website using reactjs. Apple Worldwide Developers Conference is a conference held annually by Apple Inc. All the copyright of logos, images, and videos goes to apple.RapidQuizzApp
This is a quiz app that generates questions as per selected difficulty level. It is a python quiz app. The user has to answer the quiz related to python programming language . The result is finally displayed depending upon the number of questions answered correctly by the user .Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us