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Demo for Spring Boot 3(`master` branch)/2(other branches) and Spring Cloud microservices with distributed configuration (Spring Cloud Config), service discovery (Eureka), API gateway (Spring Cloud Gateway, Zuul), Swagger/OpenAPI documentation (Springdoc), logs correlation using Spring Cloud Sleuth/Micrometer OTEL and many moresample-spring-microservices
Many samples in different branches that shows how to create microservices with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Zipkin, Zuul, Eureka, Hystrix, Kubernetes, Elastic Stack and many more toolssample-spring-microservices-kubernetes
Sample Spring Boot application that uses some features provided by Spring Cloud Kubernetes, Spring Cloud OpenFeign and Spring Cloud Gateway deployed on Kubernetessample-spring-kafka-microservices
Example microservices showing how to use Kafka and Kafka Streams with Spring Boot on the example of distributed transactions implementations with the SAGA patternspring-boot-logging
A library for logging HTTP request/response for Spring Boot application and integration with Elastic Stacksample-spring-microservices-advanced
More advanced samples of spring boot and spring cloud microservices showing usage of such tools like api Swagger2 on Zuul, integraction with MongoDB, configuration server, testing with Spring Cloud Contract or Hoverflycourse-spring-microservices
Code examples built for the purpose of video course: Microservices With Spring Boot And Spring Cloudsample-spring-oauth2-microservices
some examples that show basic and more advanced implementations of oauth2 authorization mechanism in spring-cloud microservices environmentsample-spring-blockchain
sample project that illustrates how to send transaction and observe processed transaction in ethereum using web3j, blockchain and spring bootsample-spring-cloud-webflux
sample microservices demonstrating usage of spring reactive support with spring webflux and integration spring cloud, eureka, ribbon, spring cloud gateway, spring data jpa and mongodbsample-istio-services
providing inter-service communication on kubernetes via minikube using istio framework and spring boot resttemplatesample-spring-microservices-transactions
Spring Boot Demo with microservices that performs distributed transactionssample-spring-boot-on-kubernetes
Spring Boot on Kubernetes Demo Projectsample-spring-security-microservices
Demo illustrating the usage of Spring Security in microservices built on top of Spring Boot and Spring Cloudsample-spring-cloud-consul
Spring Boot applications/microservices demo using Consul discovery & configsample-spring-boot-graphql
Demo application illustrating advanced usage of GraphQL with Spring Boot like filtering or relationship fetchingsample-micronaut-microservices
sample micronaut application illustrates using basic microservices patterns like distributed configuration and service discovery with Consul, distributed tracing with Zipkin, inter-service communication with micronaut http clientsample-spring-modulith
The demo repository showing modulith architecture with Spring Boot and Spring Modulithsample-spring-kotlin-microservice
sample spring boot application written in kotlin using spring boot actuator for managing app and swagger2 for API documentationsample-kotlin-ktor-microservices
sample microservices written in Kotlin that demonstrates usage of Ktor framework with Consul serverspring-boot-istio
Spring Boot Library for integration with Istio on Kubernetessample-vertx-microservices
Two applications in different branches illustrates how to create asynchronous microservices with Vert.x, Consul and MongoDB, and how to secure them with Vert.x OAuth2 module and Keycloaksample-spring-cloud-microservices-future
sample microservices illustrating usage of non netflix spring cloud components spring cloud loadbalancer, spring cloud gateway and spring cloud consulsample-quarkus-applications
Example application built using Quarkus frameworksample-quarkus-microservices
Sample applications illustrating usage of Quarkus framework for building microservice architecturesample-java-new-features
Demo project illustrating new features of Java after the 8th versionsample-terraform-kubernetes-argocd
Repository with configuration for Terraform and Argo CD to create and manage Kubernetes cluster locally with Kindspring-boot-tips
This repository shows the most interesting Spring Boot featuressample-spring-blockchain-contract
sample project that illustrates how to create and deploy smart contracts, smart wallets, send transactions and observe processed transactions in ethereum using web3j, blockchain, solidity and spring bootsample-graphql-microservices
An example of microservices communicating over GraphQL protocol using Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka and Apollo Clientsample-spring-cloud-gateway
sample spring cloud application with embedded api gateway on spring cloud gateway with or without service discovery with eurekasample-spring-cloud-stream-kafka
Demo illustrating the usage of Spring Cloud Stream in order to integrate with Kafka Streamssample-message-driven-microservices
sample spring cloud application that integrates with rabbitmq through spring cloud stream framework as shows how to setup message-driven microservices basing on publish-subscribe model, consumer groupssample-microservices-protobuf
creating microservices with rest http api exposed over google protocol buffer on spirng-bootcourse-kubernetes-microservices
Source code examples built for the purpose of video course: Microservices On Kubernetessample-spring-kafka-transactions
Spring Boot demo apps for testing Kafka transactions with other resources like databasesample-hazelcast-spring-datagrid
sample spring-boot applications integrated with hazelcast imdg, and providing hot cache with hazelcast and striimsample-spring-elasticsearch
Demo ilustrating integration between Spring Boot/Spring Data and Elasticsearchsample-spring-redis
Demo Spring Boot application showing usage of Spring Data Redis repositoriessample-camel-spring-boot
three samples in different branches that illustrates usage of apache camel as microservice framework providing integration with consul, hystrix, ribbon and other toolsopenshift-quickstart
Developer Workshops related to the Java development on OpenShiftsample-spring-reactive
Sample reactive microservices using spring 5, spring boot, spring webflux, project reactor and Mongo databasesample-envoy-proxy
custom implementation of service discovery with envoy and inter-service communication for spring-boot applicationssample-spring-webflux
testing webclient reactive communication with spring boot reactive application built on top of spring webfluxsample-spring-cloud-stream
sample microservices communicating asynchronously using spring cloud stream, rabbitmqsample-quarkus-microservices-consul
Demo applications illustrating how to build microservices and run them outside Kubernetes with Quarkus. It shows how to integrate the Quarkus application with Consul discovery and the KV store.sample-redis-microservices
Demo microservices illustrating how to build use event-driven, async communication with Spring Boot, Redis and Spring cloudsample-spring-data-webflux
Demo apps showing how to use R2DBC with Spring Boot, Spring Data and Spring WebFlux on Postgres databasesample-micronaut-applications
sample application illustarting usage of micronaut frameworksample-spring-cloud-security
Demo project illustrating how to configure security for Spring Boot microservicessample-spring-chaosmonkey
sample applications illustrating usage of codecentric's chaos monkey library for microservices created using spring boot and spring cloudsample-quarkus-serverless-kafka
Demo illustrating how to run Quarkus application on Knative Eventing with Kafka and Funqy modulessample-testing-microservices
sample applications with implementation of unit, component, contract and integrarion tests using pact, gatling, spring boot test and hoverflysample-micronaut-kubernetes
Sample repository for showing micronaut kubernetes module with microservices and mongodbsample-spring-boot-graalvm
Demo project that shows how to build Spring Boot applications with GraalVM and run them in serverless architecture, e.g. Knative on Kubernetes with Skaffold and Jibsample-spring-jpa-streamer
Demo project showing how to express JPA queries with Java streams with the JPAstreamer library written in Spring Boot.sample-kafka-micronaut-microservices
Sample microservices written using Micronaut framework communicating asynchronously through Apache Kafkakubernetes-workshop
Demo Java apps for several scenarios on Kubernetessample-spring-bluegreen-with-db
Demo applications and Kubernetes manifests for illustrating blue-green deployment strategy with database schema changes using tools like Liquibase and Istiosample-java-concurrency
Demo app and JUnit tests illustrating the most useful concurrency mechanisms in Javasample-ignite-jpa
set of sample applications in different branches that show how to use spring-boot toghether with spring-data-ignite in order to integrate an application with single standalone Apache Ignite instance, and cluster of instanceskubernetes-config-argocd
Kubernetes YAML manifests in configuration repository managed by Argo CDrepo-index
List of my repositories inclusind technologies and solution used in the each repospringboot-configuration-playground
Demo Spring Boot application illustrating usage of an externalized configurationsample-camel-quarkus
Demo of using Apache Camel K to deploy an application written using Quarkus and Apache Camel DSL on Kubernetes.sample-api-versioning
sample spring-boot application that uses different aproaches to api versioning and integrates with swagger2 via springfox librarysample-karaf-cxf-microservices
sample cxf microservices deployed on apache karaf containersample-jasperreport-boot
sample application that show how to generate large pdf files using spring-boot with jasperreportssample-spring-cloud-contract-ci
example of implementation contract tests between producer and some consumers with spring cloud contract. the project is run on jenkins and contract deployed on artifactorysample-spring-kafka-datamesh
Several examples of application related to Spring Boot and Kafka components including KafkaConnect, KSQL or Kafka Streamssample-spring-boot-autoscaler
sample spring boot application prepared for auto-scaling on single/many target machinesspring-cloud-kubernetes-discovery-ext
A Library for registering Spring Cloud application running outside Kubernetes Clustersample-nomad-java-services
sample spring applications that are deployed on Hashicorp's Nomad and and communication with each other using Consul disocvery and Spring Cloud Consul clientsample-docker-microservice
Two similar Spring Boot and Quarkus web-based apps for performance comparisonsample-vertx-kafka-messaging
implementation of partitioning mechanism on Apache Kafka and asynchronous communication between Vert.x microservicessample-spring-cloud-comm
sample microservices demonstrating usage of such Spring Cloud components and mechanisms like Eureka (service discovery), Ribbon (client-side load balancer), Feign (HTTP client), Hystrix (circuit breaker and fallback), Zuul (proxy/api gateway)openshift-cluster-config
GitOps/ArgoCD configuration for managing OpenShift clusters and apps running theresample-gatling-load-tests
rest api performance load testing with gatlingsample-spring-cloud-messaging
Demo for presenting Spring Cloud Stream and RabbitMQsample-springboot-dekorate-istio
Demo illustrating Spring Boot deployment on Kubernetes with automatic manifests generation with Dekoratesample-java-sonar
sample application used as a source for scanning code quality with sonarqube also containing sovarqube plugin with rules definitionssample-secure-eureka-discovery
secure discovery between client and server with spring cloud netflix eureka and spring bootsample-quarkus-kafka-streams
Quarkus and Kafka Streams Demosample-kotlin-micronaut-microservices
sample micronaut microservices integrating with spring cloud config, eureka, hibernate, zipkinanalyzer
sample spring boot application that ships logs to logstash via rabbitmq amqp message brokersample-quarkus-microservice
Quarkus demo app illustrating how to implement and test a REST-based, simple microservicesample-java-kubemq
Demo of Java app with Spring Boot integrating with KubeMQ on Kubernetessample-spring-boot-web
sample spring boot microservices with spring web, database backend (mongo), api auto documentation (swagger2)sample-spring-cloud-zookeeper
Spring Boot applications/microservices demo using Zookeeper discovery & configsample-vertx-kubernetes
Implementation of sample microservices using Vert.x and deploying them on minishift (openshift)sample-kubernetes-cluster-api-argocd
Some tests illustrating usage of the most interesting Kotlin featuressample-spring-cloud-testing
sample spring boot application illustratig usage of such test frameworks like spring boot test, gatling, spring cloud contract, pact, mockito, hoverflysample-spring-amqp
This repository contains Terraform configuration for creating and managing OpenShift clustershelm-charts
Helm Chart for installing and customizing Spring Boot Apps on Kubernertessample-spring-graphite
generating and exporting metrics from spring-boot application to influxdb, visualizing them in grafana and sending notifications to slackreactive-playground
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