Table of Contents
Before you can use this tool for importing Openstreetmap data you need to install:
- postgresql
- postgis
- pgrouting
- boost
- expat
- libpqxx
- cmake
and to prepare a database.
See in the documentation of the pgrouting website for more information: http://pgrouting.org
For compiling this tool, you will need boost, libpqxx, expat and cmake: Then just type the following in the root directory:
cmake -H. -Bbuild
cd build/
make install
Install some prerequisites:
sudo apt-get install expat
sudo apt-get install libexpat1-dev
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
sudo apt-get install libboost-program-options-dev
sudo apt install libpqxx-dev
Note: FindLibPQXX.cmake does not find the version of libpqxx, but its documentation says C++11 is needed for the latests versions.
If you have libraries installed in non-standard locations, you might need to pass in parameters to cmake. Commonly useful parameters are
CMAKE options:
-DBOOST_ROOT:PATH=/path/to/boost folder that contains include, lib, bin directories for boost
-DEXPATH_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/path/to/expat/include the include folder for where your expat is installed
-DPOSTGRESQL_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/path/to/postgresql/include the include folder for postgresql development headers
A cmake with custom options might look something like
cmake -DBOOST_ROOT:PATH=/local/projects/rel-boost-1.58.0 \
-DPOSTGRESQL_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/local/projects/rel-pg94/include -Bbuild
How to use
Prepare the database:
createdb routing
psql --dbname routing -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis'
psql --dbname routing -c 'CREATE EXTENSION pgRouting'
Start the program like this:
osm2pgrouting --f your-OSM-XML-File.osm --conf mapconfig.xml --dbname routing --username postgres --clean
Do incremental adition of data without using --clean
osm2pgrouting --f next-OSM-XML-File.osm --conf mapconfig.xml --dbname routing --username postgres
A complete list of arguments are:
osm2pgrouting --help
Allowed options:
--help Produce help message for this version.
-v [ --version ] Print version string
-f [ --file ] arg REQUIRED: Name of the osm file.
-c [ --conf ] arg (=/usr/share/osm2pgrouting/mapconfig.xml)
Name of the configuration xml file.
--schema arg Database schema to put tables.
blank: defaults to default schema
dictated by PostgreSQL
--prefix arg Prefix added at the beginning of the
table names.
--suffix arg Suffix added at the end of the table
--addnodes Import the osm_nodes, osm_ways &
osm_relations tables.
--attributes Include attributes information.
--tags Include tag information.
--chunk arg (=20000) Exporting chunk size.
--clean Drop previously created tables.
--no-index Do not create indexes (Use when indexes
are already created)
Database options:
-d [ --dbname ] arg Name of your database (Required).
-U [ --username ] arg Name of the user, which have write access to
the database.
-h [ --host ] arg (=localhost) Host of your postgresql database.
-p [ --port ] arg (=5432) db_port of your database.
-W [ --password ] arg Password for database access.
Open Street Map (OSM) files contains tags not used at all for routing operations by PgRouting (i.e. author, version, timestamps, etc.). You can reduce a lot the size of your OSM file to import removing this metadata tags from original file (you can get around half size of original file).
The best tool to remove tags is osmconvert. There are another tools but osmconvert is the fastest parsing osm files.
$ osmconvert output_data.osm.pbf --drop-author --drop-version --out-osm -o=output_data_reduc.osm
You can download OSM data as PBF (protobuffer) format. This is a binary format and it has a lower size than OSM raw files (better for downloading operations).