SkyOS32 is a 32-bit operating system under development in C ++ in a Visual Studio environment.
In general, the development of an operating system is not easy,
because the development platform is so inconvenient.
SkyOS32 allows you to build a kernel with only one Visual Studio IDE in a Windows environment.
Develop an operating system just as you would develop an application through SkyOS32.
SkyOS32 is BSD licensed.
Development Tool
- Visual Studio 2019 or higher
- WinImage
- Google Drive
Loading the kernel via GRUB
Build the kernel with Visual Studio 2019
C++ language support
STL available
try/catch implementation
Debugging Engine
Independent address space between processes
Debugging using DLL
Lua 5.42 and LuaTinker
Multi Language Support
A few GUI Sample
01 HelloWorld
02 CPU
03 Exception Handler
04 Memory Manager
05 Heap
06 C++
07 Common Library
08 Device
09 Debugging
10 Console System
11 Application
12 GUI
13 ThirdParty
14 DLL
15 Advanced Debugging
16 SkyOS64