PARALLELLA: Supercomputing for Everyone
This repository contains open source board and FPGA designs associated with the Parallella project.
Board | Description | CAD | Status |
parallella | Parallella | Cadence | Production |
porcupine | Parallella Breakout Board | KiCad | Production |
meta | Epiphany 4096-core System | Cadence | Prototype |
buddy | Epiphany-V Evaluation Board | Cadence | Prototype |
paracase | Aluminum Case | SolidWorks | Production |
parasdr | SDR adapter Board | Cadence | Production |
kvision | Stereo Vision Board | Altium | Prototype |
paralime | Myriad-RF daughter Board | KiCad | Prototype |
paracluster | Cluster Board | N/A | Prototype |
paralib | CAD librares | Various | Prouction |
paratemplate | Daugher Card Template | KiCad | Production |
paratile | Breakout Board | Eagle | Prototype |
aafm | Epiphany-III FMC Board | KiCad | Production |
archive | Old Parallella stuff | N/A | Obsolete |
FPGA Design Sources
All Parallella related FPGA sources have been moved to the OH! library library and released under MIT license.
Board design files are released under the Creative Common Share Alike license unlesss otherwise specified.
How to do a pull-request
- Fork this repository to your personal github account using the 'fork' button 2. above
- Clone your 'parallella-hw' fork to a local computer using 'git clone'
- Create a new sub-directory at the root of the repo
- Add your project files with the appropriate license clearly stated
- Add a file (see the skeleton directory for a template)
- Use git add-->git commit-->git push to add changes to your fork of 'parallella-examples'
- Submit a pull request by clicking the 'pull request' button on YOUR github 'parallella-examples' repo.