React Native Animations Showcase
This repo contains a React Native project with animations challenges and examples using the new Reanimated 2 API
Check Reanimated 2 documentation here.
- Reanimated 2 Example
- Drag And Drop
- Toggl
- Reflectly Color Selection
- Onboarding Challenge
- Shared element transition
- Accordion
- Custom Tab Bar
- Skate Challenge
- Spotify Player UI
- Sticky Shapes
- Chanel Scroll
- Rainbow Charts
- Bouncing Ball
- Paper Switch
- Folding Cell
- Love Slider
- Fancy Switch
- Menu Button
- Wallet
- Expanding Collection
- Music App
- Bezier Slider
- Floating Menu
Reanimated 2 Example
First example that comes with the library itself
Drag and Drop
Simple drag and drop
Toggl Tracker inspiration
Reflectly Color Selection
Reflectly challenge guided by William Candillon in Can It Be Done in React Native
Season 4
Reflectly Color Selection
Onboarding Challenge
Custom onboarding slides challenge
Shared element transition
Shared element transition guided by William Candillon
React Native shared element transition
Simple accordion list
Custom Tab Bar
Custom tab bar challenge from Dribbble
Tab Bar Switches Interaction
Skate Challenge
Skate UI challenge from Dribbble
Skate Challenge
Spotify Player UI
Spotify player UI challenge
Sticky Shapes
Sticky shapes guided by William Candillon
Sticky shapes
Chanel Scroll
Chanel Scroll guided by William Candillon in in Can It Be Done in React Native
Season 4
Chanel Scroll
Rainbow Charts
Rainbow Charts guided by William Candillon in in Can It Be Done in React Native
Season 4
Rainbow Charts
Bouncing Ball
Continuous animation of a ball in a soccer field
Paper Switch
Inspiration from Ramotion and his Paper Switch for SwiftUI
Folding Cell
Inspiration from Ramotion his Folding Cell for SwiftUI
Love Slider
Inspiration from dribbble Love Slider
Fancy Switch
Inspiration from dribbble On/Off Switch
Fancy Menu Button
Inspiration from Menu Button Animation
Inspiration from 2 FREE Touch Gesture Animations, interactions for after effects
Expanding Collection
Inspiration from Expanding Collection iOS Control
Music App
Inspiration from Music App
Bezier Slider
Inspiration from UI Motion Kit
Floating Menu
Inspiration from Star Wars : The Mandalorian - Mobile concept design
- @wcandillon for
and all of your amazing videos and courses. - @ramotion