Group Explorer 3.6
Group Explorer is visualization software for students and instructors of abstract algebra, specifically group theory. It has been around since 2005 as a desktop application, but was rewritten in 2019 as a web app.
Release 3.6.0: Upgrade to jQuery 3.6.1, three.js r146
Release 3.5.0: Several minor bugfixes.
Release 3.4.0: In Multable, an option to keep element coloring fixed on table reorganization.
Release 3.3.0: Removed modal editors from Group Info page; improved version migration; internal improvements.
Release 3.2.0: A new Sheets page, with improved stored sheets capabilies. Tell us what you think!
Release 3.1.0: A new Group Info page look. Let us know what you think!
Release 3.0.0: First official full-featured release! It's not done yet, though. We would still appreciate suggestions for enhancements or bug reports.
Beta: We would appreciate any bug reports during summer 2019, so that we can have a polished and reliable version ready for students in Fall 2019 courses.
- Ray Ellis
- developed most of the web version
- Nathan Carter
- developed the original version
- added sheets and some miscellany to the web version
- authored the built-in help system
If you're interested in adding anything to this app, please talk to us! It's all in pure JS, so you may already know everything you need to start coding.
If you have a request for particular groups you'd like to see added: On the one hand, we've already added lots (all?) of the groups that are small enough to visualize sensibly (and a few that aren't!). But we're still happy to discuss adding more if it would help your teaching or learning; it's easy to do by exporting the data from GAP.