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import speech_recognition as sr import playsound from gtts import gTTS import random from time import ctime import webbrowser import yfinance as yf import ssl import certifi import time import os class person: name = '' def setName(self, name): self.name = name def there_exists(terms): for term in terms: if term in voice_data: return True r = sr.Recognizer() def record_audio(ask=False): with sr.Microphone() as source: if ask: speak(ask) audio = r.listen(source) voice_data = '' try: voice_data = r.recognize_google(audio) except sr.UnknownValueError: speak('I did not get that') except sr.RequestError: speak('Sorry, the service is down') print(f">> {voice_data.lower()}") return voice_data.lower() def speak(audio_string): tts = gTTS(text=audio_string, lang='en') r = random.randint(1,20000000) audio_file = 'audio' + str(r) + '.mp3' tts.save(audio_file) playsound.playsound(audio_file) print(f"kiri: {audio_string}") os.remove(audio_file) def respond(voice_data): if there_exists(['hey','hi','hello']): greetings = [f"hey, how can I help you {person_obj.name}", f"hey, what's up? {person_obj.name}", f"I'm listening {person_obj.name}", f"how can I help you? {person_obj.name}", f"hello {person_obj.name}"] greet = greetings[random.randint(0,len(greetings)-1)] speak(greet) if there_exists(["what is your name","what's your name","tell me your name"]): if person_obj.name: speak("my name is kyle") else: speak("my name is kyle . what's your name?") if there_exists(["my name is"]): person_name = voice_data.split("is")[-1].strip() speak(f"okay, i will remember that {person_name}") person_obj.setName(person_name) if there_exists(["how are you","how are you doing"]): speak(f"I'm very well, thanks for asking {person_obj.name}") if there_exists(["what's the time","tell me the time","what time is it"]): time = ctime().split(" ")[3].split(":")[0:2] if time[0] == "00": hours = '12' else: hours = time[0] minutes = time[1] time = f'{hours} {minutes}' speak(time) if there_exists(["search for"]) and 'youtube' not in voice_data: search_term = voice_data.split("for")[-1] url = f"https://google.com/search?q={search_term}" webbrowser.get().open(url) speak(f'Here is what I found for {search_term} on google') if there_exists(["youtube"]): search_term = voice_data.split("for")[-1] url = f"https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query={search_term}" webbrowser.get().open(url) speak(f'Here is what I found for {search_term} on youtube') if there_exists(["price of"]): search_term = voice_data.lower().split(" of ")[-1].strip() stocks = { "apple":"AAPL", "microsoft":"MSFT", "facebook":"FB", "tesla":"TSLA", "bitcoin":"BTC-USD" } try: stock = stocks[search_term] stock = yf.Ticker(stock) price = stock.info["regularMarketPrice"] speak(f'price of {search_term} is {price} {stock.info["currency"]} {person_obj.name}') except: speak('oops, something went wrong') if there_exists(["exit", "quit", "goodbye"]): speak("going offline") exit() time.sleep(1) person_obj = person() while(1): voice_data = record_audio() respond(voice_data)