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Setting up a new project directory in the terminal or R


Best Practices for Data Science Project Workflows and File Organization

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To ensure replicability and traceability of scientific claims, it is essential that the scientific publication, the corresponding data sets, and the data analysis are made publicly available. All software should be openly shared and directly accessible to others. Publications should highlight that the code is freely available in, for example, Github. This openness can increase the chances of getting the paper accepted for publication. Journal editors and reviewers receive the opportunity to reproduce findings during the manuscript review process, increasing confidence in the reported results. Once the paper is published, your work can be reproduced by other member of the scientific community, which can increase citations and foster opportunities for further discussion and collaboration.

Basic workflow of data analysis

Not every data analysis is the same and but this is a useful template for what the pieces of a data analysis are and how they flow together.

  • Define question
  • Determine what data you can access
  • Obtaining the data
  • Cleaning the data
  • Exploratory data analysis
  • Statistical prediction/modeling
  • Interpretation of results
  • Challenging of results
  • Synthesis and write up
  • Creating reproducible code

Creating a project skeleton


Create a project directory and nested sub directories with a one-liner in the Terminal:

mkdir -p hsapiens-snps/{data/{raw,tidy},refs,src,bin,analysis,figures}  # no spaces between subdirectories

terminal GIF

  • All of your raw data goes into raw # Compress (gzip file.fasta) and read-only (chmod 400 file.fasta).
  • All of your post processed data goes into tidy
  • Reference Data (e.g. Genomes/Transcriptomes) go into refs
  • Source code for downloaded tools go into src
  • Scripts you’ve written and compiled binaries go into bin
  • All of the intermediary files generated, should go into analysis folder.
    • You can then logically separate sub projects (e.g. sequencing-data-qc, alignment-results-qc, diff-exp-analysis, etc.)


There are a few differences between standard skeletons on terminal and R.

  • A bin folder is not required for R projects
  • Scripts should be kept in the R directory. Ideally you should have one script to run everything if possible in the main directory or a Makefile
  • A man directory that contains the manual (i.e. documentation) for the use of the functions in your package (optional directory if using roxygen2, you should!)
  • Github is not designed for hosting large data sets, either host them externally or provide a small-sample data set that people can try out the techniques without having to run very expensive computations

Create New Project with RStudio (e.g. hsapiens-snps) and then create the sub folders


folder_names <- c("data/raw", "data/tidy", "refs", "R", "analysis", "figures", "man")
#sapply(folder_names, dir.create) # base R way
map(folder_names, dir.create) #purrr-fect way


In R use the file.create() function. To verify that the file has been created use list.files(). Use file.rename() function to change names or the file.remove() to remove files, and file.exists() to check if a file exists. You can use the dir.create() function to create directories in R as well.

If you project is only based in R you should create one folder per project with the files organized like this:


File naming

  • Avoid spaces: 2018 eda report.md is not a good name but 2018_eda_report.md is.
  • Avoid punctuation, periods and other special characters except for underscores and dashes.
  • Always use lower case: Esophogael-Cancer_Report.md is not a good name but esophogael-cancer_report.md is.
  • Use leading zeros (left-pad) for correct ordering of files with ls: Use file-021.txt NOT file21.txt.
    • The numbers are determined by how many files you will potentially have. So if you may not have more than 1000 files you can choose three digits. If not more than a hundred files choose two digits and so on.

Create dated directories/files using the command date +%F for ISO 8601 (yyyy-mm-dd). If you keep a digital notebook you can Ctrl+F to look for something see what date you did it and easily find that sub directory.

mkdir results-$(date +%F)

Git with Github

For every project you should create a repository on Github (Gitlab, Bitbucket, SourceForge, etc.) to take advantage of branches & pull requests, code snapshots, tracking project bugs and enhancements using issues, and dissemination of the final results. The recommendations below should be broadly applicable to most repository hosting services. These recommendations take full advantage of Github’s features for managing and promoting projects in bioinformatics as well as in many other research domains.

Github repositiores are freely visible to all. Many projects decide to share their work publicly and openly from the start of the project in order to attract visibility and to benefit from contributions from the community early on. Private “repos” on Github/Gitlab are used to ensure that work is hidden but also limit collaborations to just those users who are given access to the repository. These repos can then be made public at a later stage, for example upon submission, acceptance, or publicaiton of corresponding journal atricles.

A useful gist for setting up version control and Github can be found here and the above was taken from the great introduction to Git/Github by Perez-Riverol et al., 2016.

Every repository should have ideally the following three files (in addition to the code):

  • The LICENSE file that clearly defines the permissions and restrictions attached to the code and other files in your repository.
  • The README file which provides a short description of the project, a quick start guide, information on how to contribute, a TODO list, and links to additional documentation.
  • The CITATION file to the repository informs your users how to cite and credit your project.

The LICENSE file

Common licenses such as those listed on http://choosealicense.com are preferred. The LICENSE file in the repository should be a plain-text file containing the contents of an Open Source Initiative (OSI)-approved license, not just a reference to the license.

The README file

A README.md file that describes the overall project and where to get started. It may be helpful to include a graphical summary of the interlocking pieces of the project.

In each directory explaining how code is organized (e.g. data/README.txt contains metadata about all data files in data directory). For each file name, I recommend to have a short description of what the file is for. Document your methods/workflow, definition of code and symbols used to deal with missing data, include URL’s for references to publication or external data and document when you download data (database release number/version number/names, etc.) and if you used MySQL or UCSC Genome browser to download data.

Update the README file as you work. As you create new files and folders, add their descriptions to the README. Include a list of variables, units of measurement of each variable, and information about how others should cite your analysis.

Browse some examples of awesome READMEs here!


A DESCRIPTION file in the project root provides formally structured, machine- and human-readable information about the authors, the project license, the software dependencies, and other metadata of the compendium. When yore compendium is an R package, you can take advantage of many time-saving tools for package development, testing, and sharing (e.g. the devtools package).


A NAMESPACE file in the project root provides that provides the exports the functions in a package, so that they can be used in the current project and by other packages.

Creating a research commpendium

Temple, Lang and Gentleman (2007) advanced the proposal for using the R package structure as a “Research Compendium,” an idea that has since caught on with many others (Marwick et al., 2018).

It may be tempting to organize all scripts and reports with ascending names, for example 001-load.R, 002-clean.R etc. and although it helps with organization it does not capture the full tree of dependencies. In the terminal it would be best to use a Makefile to manage more complex workflows as they capture the full tree of dependencies and control the order of code execution.

On R I would strongly recommend using the Drake package which I’ve talked about recently: “Getting Started with Drake in R”.

If your workflow combines R code, terminal and python I would suggest using snakemake or Airflow. (TO DO: look into the reticulate package and see how complex multi-language workflows are managed)

Examples of real-world research compendia using R packages

The Boettiger and colleagues example provides a more complex example of a large compendia. This example includes a .travis.yml, a configuration file for the Travis continuous integration service, a Dockerfile that instructs the Docker software how to create a virtual environment for running the R code in an isolated and portable context, and the Makefile which has instructions for executing R code in the compendium in a way that avoids unnecessary repetition. These three files contain organizing metadata that are intended to be both machine- and human-readable, but are not written in the R language.

Unit tests, contained in the tests directory, are R code scripts to test that specific functions in the compendium produce their expected outputs, given known inputs. The addition of these tools, initially developed for software engineering, solves the problems of specifying the computational environment and the relationships between data, code, and output.

The top-level manuscripts directory of Boettiger et al., holds the files that generate the journal article and the supplementary documents, as well as the Makefile and Dockerfile. Other notable items at the top-level of this compendium are the .drone.yml, .zenodo.json and .traivs.yml files. The drone file contains configuration details for the Drone continuous integration service that operates in Docker containers. In this case, each time a commit is made to the repository, the Drone web service automatically renders the manuscript files (including running the R code in the manuscript) to PDF in a Docker container defined by the Dockerfile in manuscripts/. This provides an automatic check to see if a PDF can be generated from the manuscript R markdown files after the last commit. The .travis.yml file performs a similar purpose, but is focused on whether or not the R package can be successfully build in a generic Linux environment. The .zenodo.json file provides machine-readable metadata about the compendium. This is useful for automatically archiving the compendium at zenodo.

Automatically create project skeletons in R and integrate

The starters package on Github provides a number of functions, leveraging the usethis package, designed to take away some of the grunt work involved in setting up new projects. The createAnalysisProject() function creates a project ready for a typical analysis project with packrat to manage dependencies to keep things consistent and reproducible, while the createPackageProject() helps setup a project with code coverage, vignettes, unit testing etc. out of the box.

Dedicated code testing is aimed at detecting possible bugs introduced by new features or changes in the code or dependencies, as well as detecting wrong results, known as logic errors, in which the source code produces a different result than what was intended. Continuous integration provides a way to automatically and systematically run a series of tests to check integrity and performance of code, a task that can be automated through Github. starters sets up [Travis CI](https://Travis-ci.org/, a hosted continued integration platform that is free for all open-source projects. Travis CI builds and test the source code using a plethora of options such as different platforms and interpreter versions.

By organizing files into an R package, you follow conventions that save you time thinking about the best way to organize your project. Writing functions for packages makes it easy to document the use of code (particularly if you use roxygen2). This documentation can help you be productive more quickly when returning to work on a project after stepping away from it.

As a project grows in size and collaboration, having the more rigid structure offered by a package format becomes increasingly valuable. Packages can automate installation of dependencies, perform checks that changes have not broken code, and provide a modular and highly tested framework for collecting together the three essential elements: data, code, and manuscript-quality documentation, in a powerful and feature-rich environment.

When you iteratively develop a package, you can easily run comprehensive checks on your code with R CMD check at the terminal or devtools::check() at the R console. Regular checking your package like this can help identify problems before they become very frustrating to solve.

Packages are meant to be distributed, so viewing a project as a package means preparing your project to be distributed. This can help keep you honest when programming; you’re less likely to take shortcuts when you plan on releasing it to the world. Furthermore, others can start using the tools you made and that can earn you citations or even an additional paper in J. Stat. Soft. or the R Journal.

Template for scholarly writing (RMarkdown and bookdown)

Another tool I have not yet tried yet, but looks promising, is rrtools. It provides a convenient starting point for writing a journal article, report, or thesis.

Publish your analysis to a website

The traditional way to promote scientific software (and manuscripts) is by publishing a paper in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. Additional steps can boost the visibility of an organization. For example Github Pages are simple websites freely hosted by Github. User can create and host blog websites, help pages, manuals, tutorials, and websites related to specific projects. Pages come with a powerful static site generator called Jekyll that can be integrate with other frameworks as Boostrap or platforms such as Disqus to support and moderate comments.

There are also real-time communication systems such as Gitter that allows the user community, developers, and project collaborators to exchange ideas and issues to report bugs or get support. Within a Gitter chat, members can reference issues, comments, and pull requests. Github also supports wikis for each repository.

The workflowr package combines literate programming (knitr and rmarkdown) and version control (Git via git2r) to generate a website containing time-stamped, versioned, and documented results.

Blog Post

A much shorter version of this article appeared originally on Medium

Contact information

Matthew J. Oldach
