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AngularJS 1.2+ native directives for Bootstrap 3.node-xlsx
NodeJS excel file parser & builderangular-motion
Fancy CSS3 animations for AngularJS 1.2+.angular-pull-to-refresh
CSS3 Pull-to-Refresh directive for AngularJSredux-rest-resource
Seamless REST interaction for Reduxangular-7min
Angular Seven Minute Workout sample mobile app w/ Cordovaansible-web-playbooks
Set of playbooks roles to orchestrate your web servers, powered by Ansible.cordova-push-notification
Cordova ARC plugin for Push Notificationsdocker-compose-gitlab-ce
Compose file for Gitlab Community Editioncordova-facebook-connect
Cordova ARC plugin for the Facebook SDKbootstrap-additions
CSS extension kit for Twitter Bootstrap 3.0+node-openssl-wrapper
NodeJS OpenSSL wrapperreact-native-dnd
Modern and easy-to-use drag&drop library for react-native.homebridge-tydom
Homebridge plugin to manage Tydom hardware by Delta Dore from Apple HomeKit.angular-overflow-scroll
CSS3 Overflow Scroll directive for AngularJScake_websocket
WebSocket Client for CakePHP.angular-cordova
Cordova/PhoneGap services for AngularJSnode-easyrsa
Node.js public key infrastructure management library inspired by EasyRSA.generator-angular-component
Lean yeoman generator for AngularJS componentscordova-pickerview
Cordova ARC plugin for UIPickerViewnode-plist-native
Node.js native plist parser & buildergulp-concat-util
π§ This module is deprecated and not maintained anymorefastify-session
Session plugin for fastify that supports both stateless and sateful sessionsdocker-compose-tick-stack
Compose file for the TICK stack: Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, Kapacitorangular-touch-nav
Touch navigation plugin for AngularJSangular-resource-collection
Backbone-like collections for AngularJS resourcesfastify-request-logger
Compact request logger plugin for fastifynode-tydom-client
Easily manage Tydom hardware by Delta Dore from Node.jsfastify-session-redis-store
Redis store for fastify-session using iorediscordova-plugin-unity
Integrate Unity in your Cordova
Monokai scheme for various editorsjs-canvas-object-fit
Easily draw images in your canvas with object-type contraints.pino-pretty-compact
Compact pino-based prettifier for fastifygenerator-angular-bootstrap
Lean yeoman generator for AngularJS (deprecated)cordova-actionsheet
Cordova ARC plugin for UIActionSheetnode-mediainfo-parser
NodeJS MediaInfo parsercordova-plugin-volume-control
Cordova Volume Control Pluginbabel-plugin-relative-import
π§ This module is deprecated and not maintained anymoreredux-local-scope
Locally scope your redux store modules (eg. types, actions, reducers) to easily reuse them.docker-node-opencv
Docker image for NodeJS with OpenCVsencha-touch-plugins
Plugins for Sencha Touch 2.0grunt-nginclude
Grunt task for embedding AngularJS static ngInclude elements.li3_assetic
Bring the power of Assetic to the Lithium frameworkangular-bone
Backbone services for Angularjs-xhr-file
Upload/Download files using XMLHttpRequest with a Promise-based API.react-webpack-factory
Lean yet powerful starter-kit to build modern React applications.node-web-watcher
NodeJS agent that monitors a web page and act upon changes.node-vnc-snapshot
NodeJS VNC snapshot toolgulp-through
Gulp stream transform factorywebpack-component-resolver-plugin
[deprecated] Webpack2 plugin to resolve components based on their dirnamebabel-plugin-module-name-mapper
Babel plugin to alias module resolution with monorepo supportcordova-secureudid
Cordova ARC plugin for SecureUDIDangular-jquery
π§ This module is deprecated and not maintained anymorenode-influx-syslog
Node.js InfluxDB syslog logger powered by bunyanhomebridge-frisquet-connect
Homebridge plugin to manage Frisquet Connect from Apple HomeKit.docker-unifi
Docker image for Ubiquiti Unifi Controllerprisma-queue
Minimalist postgresql job queue for Prismacordova-messagebox
Cordova ARC plugin for UIAlertViewbabel-plugin-component-resolver
π§ This module is deprecated and not maintained anymoreimage-moments
Javascript image momentsfastify-session-sodium-crypto
Fast sodium-based crypto for fastify-sessiongulp-nginclude
π§ This module is deprecated and not maintained anymoregulp-cleancss
π§ This module is deprecated and not maintained anymorecreate-app
Fast scaffolding for TypeScript projectsli3_facebook
Facebook plugin for lithiummongoose-plugin-events
React on database changes with document and models eventsdotfiles
Gulp task to precompile AngularJS templates with $templateCachebabel-core
Babel is a compiler for writing next generation
Resumable.js stream middleware for Express 4+babel-plugin-directory-resolver
Babel plugin to customize directory resolutioncake_assetic
CakePHP Assetic Plugindocker-unifi-video
Docker image for Ubiquiti Unifi Video Controllerli3_behaviors
Implementation of model behaviors for Lithiumfastify-session-prisma-store
Prisma store for fastify-sessionreact-native-macos-splitview
NSSplitView component for react-native on macOSnode-ios-browser
iOS Command Line
Some utilities for CakePHPeslint-config-mgcrea
ESLint configurationbower-angular2-build
Graceful exit your fastify applicationnode-gitlab-tools
NodeJS Toolkit & CLI for GitLabcreate-fastify-backend
Quickly start a backend project powered by fastifyreact-toolbox-starter-kit
Quickstart powered by create-react-app to play with react-toolboxreact-native-sandbox
Lean yet powerful starter-kit to build modern Angular applications.mongozest
Modern & Light MongoDB ORM for Node.jsreact-native-tone-generator
Play generated tones using android
Handle a iPhone-like selectwheelli3_less
Less plugin for lithiumdocker-node
Docker image for NodeJScordova-plugin-seed
Cordova ARC plugin seed templateaoc-2022-typescript
TypeScript Advent of Code 2022node-sodium-jwt
Fast sodium-based crypto for signing and verifying json web tokens (JWT)cake.facebook
CakePHP Facebook Pluginaoc-2022-rust
Rust Advent of Code 2022cloud-testing
Lightweight HTTP client based on the browser Fetch
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