If you're looking for my newer dotfiles, move to Everblush branch
This is a dump repository which contains the dotfiles for my Xfce I like. Feel free to do whatever with the dots.
Disclaimer: Not all of the dots here are OC
Component | Description |
Widget | Conky (Modified version of Antares theme) |
Compositor | Picom-ibhagwan-git |
GTK-theme | Darknord |
Xfwm-theme | 2bxfwm-Lucy (Modified) |
kvantum-theme | Darknord |
Shell | zsh 5.8 with powerlevel10k prompt |
Fetch tool | sysfex |
App launcher (not visible in this screenshot) | findex |
Icon theme | Zafiro and Numix circle (From Archcraft) and Fluent |
UI font | Roboto |
Terminal font | JetBrains Mono |
Component | Description |
Widget | Eww |
Compositor | Picom-ibhagwan-git |
GTK-theme | Memories |
Xfwm-theme | Memories |
App launcher | findex |
Icon theme | Zafiro and Numix circle (From Archcraft) and Fluent |
UI font | Roboto |
Terminal font | JetBrains Mono Nerd |
Yayy startpage
Also, https://github.com/lah7/gtk3-classic is recommended for making CSD applications use the theme set by Xfwm.