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Repository Details

Prometheus Keepalived exporter

Keepalived Exporter

Continuous Integration

Prometheus exporter for Keepalived metrics.



Download the latest release from here and install it using dpkg

dpkg -i keepalived-exporter-downloaded-pkg.deb


Download the latest release from here and install it using rpm

rpm -i keepalived-exporter-downloaded-pkg.rpm

Binary releases

export VERSION=1.3.2
wget https://github.com/mehdy/keepalived-exporter/releases/download/v${VERSION}/keepalived-exporter-${VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xvzf keepalived-exporter-${VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz keepalived-exporter-${VERSION}.linux-amd64/keepalived-exporter
sudo mv keepalived-exporter-${VERSION}.linux-amd64/keepalived-exporter /usr/local/bin/

From source

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/mehdy/keepalived-exporter.git
cd keepalived-exporter
make build
sudo mv keepalived-exporter /usr/local/bin/


Run keepalived-exporter

sudo keepalived-exporter [flags]

Help on flags

./keepalived-exporter --help
Name Description
web.listen-address Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry, defaults to :9165.
web.telemetry-path A path under which to expose metrics, defaults to /metrics.
ka.json Send SIGJSON and decode JSON file instead of parsing text files, defaults to false.
ka.pid-path A path for Keepalived PID, defaults to /var/run/keepalived.pid.
cs Health Check script path to be execute for each VIP.
container-name Keepalived container name to export metrics from Keepalived container.
container-tmp-dir Keepalived container tmp volume path, defaults to /tmp.

Note: For ka.json option requirement is to have Keepalived compiled with --enable-json configure option.

Keepalived on Docker and Keepalived Exporter on host

Set the --container-name to the Keepalived container name and set --container-tmp-dir to the Keepalived /tmp dir path that is volumed to the host

./keepalived-exporter --container-name keepalived --container-tmp-dir /tmp

Keepalived and Keepalived Exporter on docker

Volume docker socket (/var/run/docker.sock) to Keepalived Exporter cotnainer in the same path and pass the args like as using Keepalived on container

docker pull ghcr.io/mehdy/keepalived-exporter
docker run -v keepalived-data:/tmp/ ... $KEEPALIVED_IMAGE
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v keepalived-data:/tmp/keepalived-data:ro -p 9165:9165 ghcr.io/mehdy/keepalived-exporter --container-name keepalived --container-tmp-dir "/tmp/keepalived-data"


Metric Notes
keepalived_exporter_build_info Exporter build info
keepalived_up Status of Keepalived service
keepalived_vrrp_state State of vrrp
keepalived_vrrp_excluded_state State of vrrp with excluded VIP
keepalived_exporter_check_script_status Check Script status for each VIP
keepalived_gratuitous_arp_delay_total Gratuitous ARP delay
keepalived_advertisements_received_total Advertisements received
keepalived_advertisements_sent_total Advertisements sent
keepalived_become_master_total Became master
keepalived_release_master_total Released master
keepalived_packet_length_errors_total Packet length errors
keepalived_advertisements_interval_errors_total Advertisement interval errors
keepalived_ip_ttl_errors_total TTL errors
keepalived_invalid_type_received_total Invalid type errors
keepalived_address_list_errors_total Address list errors
keepalived_authentication_invalid_total Authentication invalid
keepalived_authentication_mismatch_total Authentication mismatch
keepalived_authentication_failure_total Authentication failure
keepalived_priority_zero_received_total Priority zero received
keepalived_priority_zero_sent_total Priority zero sent
keepalived_script_status Tracker Script Status
keepalived_script_state Tracker Script State

Check Script

You can specify a check script like Keepalived script check to check if all the things is okay or not. The script will run for each VIP and gives an arg $1 that contains VIP.

Note: The script should be executable.

chmod +x check_script.sh

Sample Check Script

#!/usr/bin/env bash

ping $1 -c 1 -W 1