Volume rendering by object space raymarching for Unity.
VolumeRendering.shader cut a volume each axes by _SliceMin, _SliceMax properties.
Object space raymarching
VolumeRendering component generates a Cube geometry which has 1.0 length edges. By object space raymarching techniques, rendering a volume with a MeshRenderer. (See references)
Slice axes rotation
By setting an axis quaternion in VolumeRendering component, you can cut a volume from arbitrary angles.
Menu : Window -> VolumeAssetBuilder
VolumeAssetBuilder builds a 3D texture asset from a pvm raw file. (volume raw data)
tested on Unity 2017.2.8f1, windows10 (GTX 1060).
- primitive: blog | object space raymarching - http://i-saint.hatenablog.com/entry/2015/08/24/225254
- The Volume Library - http://lgdv.cs.fau.de/External/vollib/
- Graphics Runner : Volume Rendering 101 - http://graphicsrunner.blogspot.jp/2009/01/volume-rendering-101.html