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Mesh voxelization for Unity.unity-triangulation2D
Ruppert's Delaunay Refinement Algorithm in Unityunity-teddy
Teddy algorithm implementation in Unity.unity-procedural-tree
Procedural tree builder for Unityunity-volume-rendering
Volume rendering by object space raymarching for UnityCellularGrowth
GPU-based cellular growth simulation in Unity. π§unity-verlet-simulator
Simple verlet integration simulator for Unity.unity-procedural-flower
Procedural flower generator for Unity.unity-mesh-smoothing
Mesh smoothing algorithm for Unity.unity-subdivision-surface
Loop subdivision surface algorithm implementation in Unity.THREE.Fire
Ray tracing based procedural volumetric fire for three.jsunity-path-finding
Shortest path finding with Dijkstra's algorithm for Unity.unity-transform-control
Transform controller in Game View for Unity.Dendrite
GPU-based dendrite patterns generator with a space colonization algorithm in Unity.unity-optical-flow
A simple optical flow implementation by fragment shader for Unity.UNN
GPU-based neural network implementation in Unity.THREE.Tree
a Tree geometry generator for three.js.unity-mesh-builder
Primitive mesh builder for Unity.unity-volume-sampler
Mesh volume sampler with voxelizer & 3D poisson disk sampling for Unity.PointCloudExplorer
PointCloudExplorer is an experimental project using point cloud data on Unity.unity-gpu-particle-system
GPU Particle System for Unity (require DirectX environment)unity-photo-particle-system
GPU Particle System (using Vertex Texture Fetch techniques) with Texture2DArray for Unity.unity-procedural-skinned-animator
Procedural skinned mesh animation π for Unity.ShibuyaCrowd
a webgl experiment that uses Shibuya city 3D modelsunity-mesh-slicing
View-aligned mesh slicing for Unity.unity-intersections
3D intersection algorithm collections for Unity.unity-cellular-automaton-based-ink-simulation
2D Cellular automaton based ink simulation for Unity.WebVJ
a webgl experiment that uses web page structures as part of its visual effectsunity-lut-generator
LookUpTable generator for Unity.curvo
NURBS curve / surface modeling library for Rust.unity-procedural-volumetric-fire
Unity implementation of Real-time procedural volumetric fire.unity-lbm-fluid-simulation
Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) fluid simulation for Unity.unity-mask-bloom
Mask by alpha channel bloom effect for
WebGL and Unity sketches.unity-tubular
Tubular mesh (tube shape along a curve without torsion) builder for Unity.unity-immediate-color-picker
Color picker for Unity in immediate GUI modeFit
Irregular bin packing library by JavaScriptunity-lbm-ink-simulation
Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) ink simulation for Unity.THREE.Watercolor
Watercolor effects for three.js.THREE.BloomBlendPass
Bloom blend effect for three.js.FastVoxelTraversalTest
Fast Voxel Traversal testing in Unity.THREE.Cloud
Ray tracing based cloud object for three.js.ShibuyaSelfieCrowd
Crowds with Instagram selfies in Shibuya.Channel18
VJ set at CHANNEL#18 with Unity.unity-mrt-example
Multiple render targets without camera object for Unity.ofxGPUMarchingCubes
GPU marching cubes implementation for openFrameworks using a compute shader.FeedbackRendering3DTest
Feedback rendering with Texture3D testing in Unity.GPUMatrixMultiplicationTest
GPU matrix multiplication in Unity.DifferentialGeometryStudy
Study of differential geometry with Rust + WebGLbevy_points
Point mesh plugin for BevyInteractiveCoding
Sketches for interactive coding group.bevy_curvo
Helper library for rendering curves and surfaces modeled with Curvo in Bevy.unity-sketchbook
Sketching utility like Processing for Unity.unity-cuboid-line
Convert a line topology to a cuboid mesh with Geometry shader for Unity.processing-verttexgen
Vertex Texture Generator for Processingunity-packing-clip
Screen clipping and packing clipped area for Unity.wgpu-wasm-test
a small sample of using wasm-pack to run wgpu with webgl backend.bevy_normal_material
Simple normal material plugin for BevyForceTouchOSC
Force touch trackpad (for Mac OSX 10.10.3 or later) OSC senderGLSLMapper
My three.js template.FitServer
Fit implementation for Node.jsLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us