- esp32 or S2 / S3 / C3 MCU versions in branch develop
- Espressif IDF framework >= 4.2 (4.3 -> 4.4 ideally to support latest S3)
- An epaper display (see Wiki for supported models)
ESP32C3 /S3 also works as a target. Please check also config-examples/C3-riscv-spi where is a PIN configuration that is prove to be working. Then just select one of the SPI examples, and do a: set-target esp32c3 --preview set-target esp32s3 (Only v4.4 since tried this only with beta3)
Cale-idf is the official ESP-IDF firmware of our Web-Service and also the repository where the development of CalEPD epaper component takes place. The main class extends Adafruit GFX so this library has full geometric functions and also fonts including German/Spanish/French special characters support.
VSCODE and Platformio
In the repository cale-platformio you can have a quick start skeleton to use CalEPD and Adafruit-GFX components, along with optional FocalTech touch I2C. Please be aware that there are some corrections to do by hand until we figure out what is the best way to do it. Read those in the WiKi and please give a β to the cale-platformio repository if you find it useful
We are working in a interesting new PCB design to make a smart switch using this component. If you are interested please check our repository Bistable-smart-Switch and don't be shy, give it a β if you like it.
A full pfleged version that supports WiFi provisioning using ESP-Rainmaker app is updated on the branch feature/50-idf-v5-rainmaker Note: It needs an external submodule component so don't forget to run:
git submodule update --init --recursive
For more news and announcements please check the Wiki section
Excluding components / parallel epapers
Please note that parallel driver epdiy is not anymore a requirement and after last update epdiy V6 is not part of this repository, only linked as a git submodule. So in case you want to use our experimental implementation in C++, please pull the git submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Also please notice that if you need to exclude any of the components, like for example epdiy or any other, the fastest and most straigh-forward way is to open the CMakeLists of that component and add as the first line:
That will make this component not to get in the build process. If you are not using EPDiy to drive your epapers, this step is not needed. If you are, please go to: CalEPD/CMakeLists.txt
And enable epdiy in the REQUIRE section and the related classes:
# Uncomment for parallel epapers:
# Add more if you need to copying one of the existing, since not all eink sizes are supported
Additional features
CalEPD has also support for FocalTech and L58 I2C touch panels used in Lilygo parallel epaper EPD047, enabling you to make simple UX interfaces using small epaper displays. This is optional and can be enabled only when the Firmware requires touch. Please check the Wiki for latest news and to see what displays are supported. The Wiki is the perfect place to make updates that are not branch dependant so our documentation efforts will be focused there. CalEPD supports currently the most popular epaper sizes and four color models (4.2, 5.83, 7.5 and 12.48 inches).
- Use develop to try the latest features. Only after days or even weeks of testing, it will be merged in master, and eventually land in a new CalEPD epaper component release
- If you are interested in LVGL / UX please check our project lv_port_esp32-epaper. In this experimental LVGL esp32 fork we are exploring the possibility to make UX in fast paralell displays.
Parallel epapers need to have an EPDiy board or a Lilygo T5-4.7 inches epaper.
Fork policy
Please do not Fork this repository to bookmark it. For that use the β Star button. Acceptable forks fall in this three categories:
- You found a bug and want to suggest a merge request. Then Fork it!
- You will contribute adding a new epaper model that does not exist or add a new functionality to an existing one.
- You will use Cale-idf as a base to create something new. But in that case it would be better to fork the components.
This advice is because we don't like having copies of the whole repository without any reason. But it does not interfere in any way with the Apache License that clearly states that you might reproduce and distribute a copy of this component provided you agree with the terms mentioned there.
Requesting for new models
If your epaper model is not there just open an Issue and send us one epaper with the SPI interface. If we can make a working implementation and new C++ class then you can use it in your Firmware and we keep the eink as a payment for our effort. If we fail and cannot make a working implementation then it comes back to you at no cost. Also following existing classes you can do it yourself. Just check on the pull requests to see how other developers did to add their epapers!
CALE Firmware
CALE does only 3 things at the moment and is very easy to set up:
- It connects to and downloads a Screen bitmap.
- In "Streaming mode" it pushes the pixels to Adafruit GFX buffer and at the end renders it in your Epaper.
- It goes to sleep the amount of minutes you define in the ESP-IDF menuconfig
It wakes up after this deepsleep and goes back to point 1 making it an ideal Firmware if you want to refresh an Events calendar or weather Forecast display. It does not need to be tied to our CALE service. You can use your own full url to your bitmap image. We just recommend to use since you can easily connect it to external APIs and have a living epaper. Optionally you can do the same, but with a JPG, using our www-jpg-render example. Please note that in many cases you will require an ESP32-Wrover or similar with PSRAM.
Different cpp examples:
- cale.cpp Main example to use with monochrome or 3 color epapers from Goodisplay/Waveshare
- cale-grayscale.cpp Example only to use with PlasticLogic epapers, serves as footprint to do it with other models
- cale-sensor.cpp Same as cale.cpp but it has a sensor interrupt when a GPIO goes HIGH (Rising) this triggers a new image request
- cale-7-color.cpp Example to retrieve an 4 bits image and send it with up to 7 colors the 5.65 Acep epaper
Best settings on website that we found to display color photos with cale-7-color is to use Dither mode: 3x3 and Bits per pixel: 24. This is downgraded to 4bpp using dithering but that's really ok since 16 colors are more than the epaper supports. It's not a great photo quality but this epapers where designed to make labels and supermarket prices, not to display quality color pictures.
2023.Still adding some Goodisplay epapers. Introduction of setMonoMode (to add 4 gray mode in certain models)
2022.Performance optimization and research in parallel eink drivers
2021.OctβDec Testing other projects and small pause (Lot's of other work that are not electronics related...)
2021.AugβOct Imaging libraries: Adding JPG support and optimizing processes
2021.JunβAug Parallel interaction research: UX on epaper displays
2021.Mar till June Enabling touch support to enable UX design in ESP32
2020.Sep Optimizing instantiation and configuration
2020.Aug Adding color epapers 5.83 and 7.5 inches
2020.Jul Added PlasticLogic as a new brand with 4 wire SPI (uses MISO)
CALE-IDF uses this components:
- CalEPD the epaper component
- Adafruit GFX for ESP-IDF My own fork of Adafruit display library
- EPDiy it's our own fork of the parallel epaper component EPDiy with only the directory structure to use it as an IDF component
They are at the moment included without git submodules so we can develop fast without updating them all the time. But they are also available to be used as your project ESP-IDF components.
Make sure to set the GPIOs that are connected from the Epaper to your ESP32. Data in in your epaper (DIN) should be connected to MOSI:
And then set the image configuration and deepsleep minutes. Here you can also set the rotation for your Eink display:
Optionally if you use touch, for example with 2.7 inches gdew027w3-T epaper, you should configure also FT6X36 Gpios:
Needs 3.3v, a common GND, SDA, SCL for I2C communication, and a input INT pin that signalizes on Low that there is touch data ready.
CalEPD component
CalEPD is an ESP-IDF component to drive epaper displays with ESP32 / ESP32S2 and it's what is sending the graphics buffer to your epaper behind the scenes. It's designed to be a light C++ component to have a small memory footprint and run as fast as posible, leaving as much memory as possible for your program. Note that the pixels buffer, takes 1 byte to store 8 pixels on each color, so depending on your epaper size may need external PSRAM. Up to 800 * 480 pixels on a monochrome eink it runs stable and there is still free DRAM for more.
master... -> stable version (ChangeLog moved to Wiki)
refactor/oop -> Making the components base, most actual branch, where new models are added. Only after successfull testing they will be merged in master. Inestable branch do not use on Firmware that you ship to a client.
tft_test -> Original SPI master example from ESP-IDF 4 just refactored as a C++ class. Will be kept for historic reasons
Epaper demos
Open the /main/CMakeLists.txt file to select what is the C++ file that will be compiled as your main program. Just uncomment one of the SRCS lines:
# Main CALE
#SRCS "cale.cpp" -> CALE Firmware for IDF
SRCS "demo-fonts.cpp"
#SRCS "demo-epaper.cpp"
This configuration will just compile the Fonts demo to test your epaper display. Use cale.cpp if you are looking forward to compile our CALE Firmware. This is the ESP-IDF version of that Eink-calendar esp32-arduino Firmware. In there is a web-service that can help you making dynamic Screens for your epapers.
Fonts support and German characters
Please check Adafruit page on adding new fonts as a start. In order to add the whole character range, you need to set from -> to ranges after calling font convert. Just go to the /components/Adafruit-GFX/fontconvert directory and run:
./fontconvert /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu/YOURTTF.ttf 18 32 252 > ../Fonts/YOURTTFNAME.h
Be aware that PROGMEM is not supported here since we are not in the Arduino framework. So just remove it from the generated fonts.
As an example with all characters including German umlauts ( Γ€ ΓΆ ΓΌ and others like Γ) I left Ubuntu_M18pt8b ready in the Fonts directory. Be aware that using the whole character spectrum will also take part of your programs memory.
Not being used at the moment since all test and development happens here. Only when there are new working models they will be pushed as new release in the component repository: CalEPD epaper component is published on version 0.9
ESP-IDF uses relative locations as its submodules URLs (.gitmodules). So they link to GitHub. To update the submodules once you git clone this repository:
git submodule update --init --recursive
to download the submodules (components) for this project. Reminder for myself, in case you update the module library just execute:
# pull all changes for the submodules
git submodule update --remote
Compile this
If it's an ESP32: set-target esp32
If it's an ESP32S2: set-target esp32s2
Make sure to edit Display configuration in the Kconfig menuoptions: menuconfig
CALE configuration is the section to set the bitmap URL (non-ssl for the moment), deepsleep until next refresh, and optional display rotation
And then just build and flash: build flash monitor
To clean and start again in case you change target (But usually no need to run) fullclean
To open the serial monitor only monitor
Please note that to exit the monitor in Espressif documentation says Ctrl+] but in Linux this key combination is:
In the config-examples folder we left samples of GPIO configurations. For example:
- Wave12I48 has the GPIOs ready to use w/Waveshare socket for ESP32-devKitC
- S2 has a sample GPIO config to be used after set-target esp32s2 (Only for S2 chips)
SPI speed
If you instantiate display.init(true) it activates verbose debug and also lowers SPI frequency to 50000. Most epapers accept a frequency up to 4 Mhz. We did this on debug to be able to sniff with an ESP32 SPI slave "man in the middle" what commands are sent to the display so we can detect mistakes. Even if you print it, is not the same as to hear on the line, this is the real way to reverse engineer something. Hear what the master is saying in a library that works.
+ uint16_t multiplier = 1000;
+ if (debug_enabled) {
+ frequency = 50;
+ multiplier = 1;
+ }
Due to restrictions in C++ that I'm not so aware about there is a limitation when using big integers in the structs { } So SPI frequency is calculated like:
spi_device_interface_config_t devcfg={
.mode=0, //SPI mode 0
.clock_speed_hz=frequency*multiplier*1000, // --> Like this being the default 4 Mhz
Feel free to play with Espressif IDF SPI settings if you know what you are doing ;)
Multi-SPI displays
A new breed of supported displays is coming being the first the Wave12I48 12.48" b/w epaper from Waveshare. This is the first component that support this multi epaper displays abstracting their complexity so you can treat it as a normal 1304x984 single display and use all the Adafruit GFX methods and fonts to render graphics over it. Please note that this big display needs a 160 Kb buffer leaving no DRAM available for anything more on your ESP32. So you can either make a very simple program that renders sensor information, or do everything you want, but adding PSRAM for the GFX buffer. Think about ESP32-WROOVER as a good candidate.
Watchdogs feeding for large buffers
In Buffers for big displays like 800*480 where the size is about 48000 bytes long is necessary to feed the watchdog timer and also make a small delay. I'm doing it this way:
+ // Let CPU breath. Withouth delay watchdog will jump in your neck
+ if (i%8==0) {
+ rtc_wdt_feed();
+ vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1));
+ }
Again, if you know more about this than me, feel free to suggest a faster way. It's possible to disable also the watchdogs but of course that is not a good practice to do so.
References and related projects Web-service a Web-Service that prepares BMP & JPG Screens with the right size for your displays Arduino-espressif32 firmware
GxEPD Epaper library GxEPD is to use with Espressif Arduino Framework.
Searches that we do to check how other components evolve and what is the position of this one:
"ESP-IDF epaper" Google search
This is the beginning, and a very raw try, to make CALE compile in the Espressif IOT Development Framework. At the moment to explore how difficult it can be to pass an existing ESP32 Arduino framework project to a ESP-IDF based one and to measure how far we can go compiling this with Espressif's own dev framework. UPDATE: Saved for historical reasons. After starting this project I heavily adopted ESP-IDF as an IoT framework and toolsuit to build firmares. This become also the start of CalEPD that is our own IDF component to control Epapers with ESP32 / ESP32S2.
GxEPD has been a great resource to start with. For CalEPD component, we mantain same Constants only without the Gx prefix and use the same driver nomenclature as GxEPD library, just in small case. Strange-v for the creation of the FocalTech touch library, that I forked to make the FT6X36-IDF component. Hats off to Jean-Marc Zingg that was the first one to make such a great resource supporting so many Eink displays. Please note that there are no plans to port this to Arduino-framework. This repository was specially made with the purpouse to explore Espressif's own IoT development framework.
Thanks to all the developers interested to test this. Special mentions for @IoTPanic, Spectre and others that pushed me to improve my C++ skills.
If you like this component and it made your life easier please consider becoming a sponsor where you can donate as little as 2 u$ per month. Just click on:
We are thankful for the support and contributions so far!
Interesting projects using this library
- Bistable-smart-switch an ESP32-C3 (or S3) smart switch for your wall
- Invisible computers epaper your Google Calendar in an epaper display, drawn using CalEPD!