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Admob plugin for Xamarin Android and iOS

MtAdmob plugin for Xamarin

With this Plugin you can add a Google Admob Ads inside your Xamarin Android and iOS Projects with a single line!!! This plugin supports: Banners, Interstitial, Rewarded Videos and Rewearded Interstitials (from version 1.9)

Please, support my work

If possible, please, support my work with few coffees or even better with a Membership! You can do it here: Buy Me A Coffee Your help allows me to continue to spend time on this project and continue to maintain and update it with new features and to be ready for the new Google SDK 20: Google SDK 20 Migration.

Commercial support

The plugin is free to use and I aim to improve it and fix any bugs in the shortest possible time. Said that, if you need faster support with this plugin or in general with your Xamarin or MAUI project, contact me at [email protected] to discuss it further.

Current Status (Version

Android iOS Windows Mac
Banner βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ ❌ ❌
Interstitial βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ ❌ ❌
Rewarded βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ ❌ ❌
Rewarded Interstitial βœ”οΈ ❌* ❌ ❌

*They are implemented but currently they are not working. Probably something in the Admob SDK. I'm investigating it.


Banner Interstitial Rewarded Rewarded Interstitial
LoadAd LoadInterstitial LoadRewarded LoadRewardedInterstitial
ShowInterstitial ShowRewarded ShowRewardedInterstitial
IsInterstitialLoaded IsRewardedLoaded IsRewardedInterstitialLoaded


Banner Interstitial Rewarded Rewarded Interstitial
AdsLoaded OnInterstitialLoaded OnRewardedLoaded OnRewardedLoaded
AdsFailedToLoad OnInterstitialFailedToLoad OnRewardedFailedToLoad OnRewardedFailedToLoad
AdsImpression OnInterstitialImpression OnRewardedImpression OnRewardedImpression
AdsClicked OnInterstitialOpened OnRewardedOpened OnRewardedOpened
AdsOpened OnInterstitialFailedToShow OnRewardedFailedToShow OnRewardedFailedToShow
AdsClosed OnInterstitialClosed OnRewardedClosed OnRewardedClosed
AdsSwiped** OnInterstitialClicked* OnRewardedClicked* OnRewardedClicked*
OnUserEarnedReward OnUserEarnedReward

*Only supported on iOS **Only supported on Android


To allow a smooth toward MAUI, Version 1.9 contains few breaking changes, several fixes and am improved support for Banner. It's not complicated to update your code and it's worth it.


You need to add your Admob APPLICATION_ID to your AppManifest:

<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.ads.APPLICATION_ID" android:value="YOUR APPLICATION ID" />

If you Target android 12 and the app crashes with the following message: "Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent."

You NEED TO update Xamarin.AndroidX.Work.Runtime to version 2.7.0! This will solve the issue


You need to add GADApplicationIdentifier to your Info.plist: Edit your info.plist adding these Keys:

<string>YOUR APPLICATION ID</string>
  • If you don't do this, your iOS app will crash


To add a Banner on a page you have two options:


<controls:MTAdView x:Name="myAds"></controls:MTAdView>

remember to add this line in your XAML:



MTAdView ads = new MTAdView();

Now you can add the control to your layout.


To test the banner during the development google uses two Banner Id, one for Android and the other for iOS. Use them then remember to replace them with your own IDs:

Android: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111
iOS: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2934735716

If the Banners don't appear in your app, probably it's a size problem. To solve it, add this style to your app.xaml:

<Style TargetType="controls:MTAdView">
    <Setter Property="HeightRequest">
            <x:OnIdiom Phone="50" Tablet="90"></x:OnIdiom>


For each AdView if you want, you can set this property: AdsId: To add the id of your ads AdSize: To chose the size of your banners (from version 1.9) AutoSize: If true, the plugin will update the heightbanner height according to the ads loaded (from version 1.9)

For GDPR it's better to rely on a custom consent instead or using the non personalized ads as I cannot guarantee it works. So it's better if you create a custom consent


AdsId: To add the id of your ads

PersonalizedAds: You can set it to False if you want to use generic ads (for GDPR...) (It works only for Android Banners, for the others, you must ask for consent) For GDPR it's better to rely on a custom consent instead or using the non personalized ads as I cannot guarantee it works. So it's better if you create a custom consent

TestDevices: You can add here the ID of your test devices

UseRestrictedDataProcessing: For compliance with the CCPA

You can use Global Properties in this way: CrossMTAdmob.Current.UserPersonalizedAds = true;


You can show an interstitial with a single line of code:


To Load an interstitial you can use this line:



You can show a Rewarded video with a single line of code:


To Load a Rewarded Video you can use this line:



You can show a Rewarded video with a single line of code:


To Load a Rewarded Video you can use this line:



Remember to include the MTAdmob library with this code (usually it's added automatically):

using MarcTron.Plugin;


Before loading ads, you need to call MobileAds.initialize() on OnCreate:

protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            TabLayoutResource = Resource.Layout.Tabbar;
            ToolbarResource = Resource.Layout.Toolbar;

            Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, savedInstanceState); 
            LoadApplication(new App());

Remeber to add this to your AppManifest:

<!-- Sample AdMob App ID: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713 -->
<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.ads.APPLICATION_ID"


In case the plugin doesn't install automatically the nuget package:


you need to add it manually.

That's it. Cannot be easier than that :)


Get Filthy Rich by Monetizing Your Xamarin.Forms App with AdMob - Gerald Versluis (Youtube)


Available on Nuget: https://www.nuget.org/packages/MarcTron.Admob

Tutorial: https://www.xamarinexpert.it/admob-made-easy/

To report any issue: https://github.com/marcojak/MTAdmob/issues