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React Mini Router
A minimal URL router for React.js.
The router provides a small React.js mixin that is easy to integrate into a root level component. It makes little to no demands on how you structure your application.
Routes call methods instead of creating components directly. This makes async data loading outside of the child components straight forward (allowing them to remain stateless). This also makes server side rendering straight forward.
The Router supports the HTML5 History API and Hash URLs. It requires no special components or markup. You can use regular anchor tags in your html markup to trigger navigation, or use the navigate util method to programmatically trigger routes.
Its only dependencies are path-to-regexp, urllite and React >= 0.14.0.
The complete browser build is 10kb minified and 4kb minified and gzipped.
See the example app for a complete solution that includes server side rendering and integrates with Fluxxor for Store/Dispatch functionality.
IMPORTANT If you require React 0.13 or earlier, please install version 1.1.7. Version 2.0.0 requires React 0.14 or newer.
If using CommonJS modules and browserify:
npm install react-mini-router
For all other browser environments:
bower install react-mini-router
The dist/react-mini-router.js build exposes a global ReactMiniRouter variable.
var React = require('react'),
createReactClass = require('create-react-class'),
RouterMixin = require('react-mini-router').RouterMixin;
var App = createReactClass({
mixins: [RouterMixin],
routes: {
'/': 'home',
'/message/:text': 'message'
render: function() {
return this.renderCurrentRoute();
home: function() {
return <div>Hello World</div>;
message: function(text) {
return <div>{text}</div>;
notFound: function(path) {
return <div class="not-found">Page Not Found: {path}</div>;
module.exports = App;
By default the RouterMixin will use hash urls for routes. To enable the HTML5 History API with pushState pass a "history" boolean property to the Component. If you're using server rendering and intend on focusing primarily on modern browsers it is recommended to enable the History API.
If a browser doesn't support the History API it will automatically fall back to hash urls.
NOTE: Hash urls will use the hashbang (i.e. #!) format in order to properly support the ajax crawling Google spec.
App({ history: true }),
You can also mount the Router at a root path, and all routes will be matched relative to it:
App({ root: '/some/path/to/app' }),
Route Definitions and Handler Methods
The RouterMixin uses path-to-regexp for all route definitions. See the docs on parameters for the variations allowed when defining urls.
When a url matches a route, the handler method is executed. The handler is called with the following arguments:
- Each matched parameter, in the order it appears in the url.
- An object of key/value pairs that represents the parsed url query string.
routes: {
'/search/:searchQuery': 'searchResults'
function searchResults(searchQuery, params) {
// logic for getting search results data and rendering component
"/search/giant%20robots?sort=ascending&size=20" => searchResults("giant robots", { "sort": "ascending", "size": "20" })
The 404 Not Found Route
By default the RouterMixin will throw an Error if it can't match a route. To render a 404 Not Found page just define a 'notFound' method on the component. It takes a single argument, path, which is the url path that failed to match a route definition. Any unmatched route will call this route handler if it is defined. See the usage example above for a code example.
Any child anchor elements will have their click events captured, and if their href matches a route the matched route handler will be called.
To programmatically trigger navigation there is a provided navigate method:
var navigate = require('react-mini-router').navigate;
If you want to update the address bar url, but not trigger routing:
navigate('/foo', true);
Server Rendering
See the example app for how to approach server rendering. The short answer
is that for every url the server must render you should provide the necessary data
to the root Component as props, including the path
React.renderToString does not trigger the Component lifecycle methods, so you must do all async data loading outside of the render process.
Nested Routers
Nested routers are supported, though it requires some manual work. The root
property must
be explicitly passed to the nested router, which sets the base url where it will be mounted.
You also need to provide a wildcard param at the end of any routes that will call route handlers that contain a nested router. The example app and tests show how to do this.
Running the Example App
The example app demonstrates how to use react-mini-router for client and server side rendering. To run the app do the following:
cd example
npm install
gulp serve
Then open a new browser window to: