This project provides support for monadic reflection (Filinski 1994, 1999) to integrate monadic code with direct style code.
The monadic-reflection
library provides a convenient alternative!
for {
_ <- monadicActionA()
r <- monadicActionB()
result <- if (predicate(r)) {
} else {
} yield result
if (predicate(effectfulActionB())) {
} else {
Looks familiar? Yes, it is just the direct-style code you would write in an imperative programming language.
The underlying idea is very simple: Instead of using your monadic type constructor M[A]
everywhere, your effectful programs
now have the type CanReflect[M] ?=> A
where CanReflect
is a type defined by the monadic-reflection
As you can see from the type, given the capability CanReflect[M]
you immediately get a value of type A
that you can just use in direct-style. No need for flatMap
and friends.
The best thing is, that you can go back and forth between the two representations:
trait Monadic[M[_]] {
// embed a monadic value into direct style
def reflect[R](mr: M[R])(using r: CanReflect[M]): R = r.reflect(mr)
// reveal the monadic structure of a direct-style program
def reify[R](prog: CanReflect[M] ?=> R): M[R]
All you need to do is implement the Monadic
trait which has two abstract methods:
def pure[A](a: A): M[A]
def sequence[X, R](init: M[X])(f: X => Either[M[X], M[R]]): M[R]
The first should look very familiar to you -- and if you already have a monad is very easy to implement. The second is just a slight variation of flatMap
. In order to be stack safe you need to make sure to either implement sequence
as a tail recursive function, or perform trampolining on your own.
Well, there is a fineprint: You also need to run your programs using a special JDK fork called "Project Loom". See below for more details.
We provide a few case studies showing how to program with established monadic libraries in direct style:
To implement monadic reflection we require some implementation of (delimited) continuations. At the moment, our library only runs on JDK >= 21
Finally, since we are accessing jvm internal types (Continuation and ContinuationScope),
we need to allow our program to access them. This is done by forking the process in the sbt
If this does not work for you (for whatever reason), you can try to run sbt
sbt -J--add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.vm=ALL-UNNAMED
Some experimental performance optimizations of project loom can be enabled by
-XX:-DetectLocksInCompiledFrames -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseNewCode