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  • Rank 256,031 (Top 6 %)
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  • Created over 2 years ago
  • Updated 8 months ago


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Repository Details

Background tasks and app powering the static content at LeetComp


example workflow Code style: black Checked with mypy

Analysing compensations mentioned on the Leetcode forums.

Note: Only supports posts from India at the moment.

LeetComp works by regularly fetching new posts from the leetcode compensations page. The leetcomp directory contains python scripts to fetch and parse new posts. New posts are updated in posts.db, a SQLite database. The parsed posts are updated directly into js/data.js which helps power the content in index.html.

IMO, this tool can be best used to figure out the "software developer salaries in india" across various experience levels.

The app is hosted at https://kuutsav.github.io/LeetComp/ using github pages.


# Install poetry following the instructions at https://python-poetry.org/docs or use pip
$ pip install poetry

# Setup the project (from the project root directory)
$ poetry install

# To run the commands for updating the data, go into the venv created by poetry
$ poetry shell

# Tested on python 3.9.7

Updating data

$ poetry shell
$ export PYTHONPATH=.
$ python update.py

-----------Fetching posts meta info-----------
Found 6835 posts(456 pages)
73 posts synced, skipping the rest ...
---------Updating posts with content----------
Found 73 post ids without content, syncing ...
PostID 1786560;   0/73 posts done
PostID 1783572;  10/73 posts done
PostID 1781876;  20/73 posts done
PostID 1780132;  30/73 posts done
PostID 1779056;  40/73 posts done
PostID 1777850;  50/73 posts done
PostID 1776532;  60/73 posts done
PostID 1775146;  70/73 posts done
All posts synced
----------------Parsing posts----------------
Total posts: 6905
N posts dropped (missing data): 1448
Posts with all the info: 5468
Posts with Location: 5150
Posts with YOE: 5385
Posts from India: 3923
Posts with Total Comp: 2257
Dropped 181/3923 records due to invalid pay
-----------Building inverted index------------
Keeping 1303/1303 tokens


  • Automate data refresh using github actions
  • Standardize Company and Role (for example "Amazon aws" -> "Amazon")
  • Index Company and Role separately (to enable searching for company and roles separately)
  • Improve page nav (links to more pages, last page, etc.)
  • Global data support (Depends on the traction this project gets from other countries)