Most Minimal Python Web Framework (in terms of number of line).
Key Importance Points Of Implementation
importance | note | |
under 100 lines of code | formatted with black | |
no thirth party | β« (MUST) | only built-in python modules |
readablity | anyone should easily change this code with her needs | |
easy to use | π’ (IMPORTANT) | should feels like flask |
for personal use | if it is not essential service for you, personal use is okay | |
performance | π‘ (Meh) | not given importance but probably good because of simple implementation |
standards | not always follows, for instance not use `CONTENT-TYPE` header | |
featureful | only the basics | |
production | π΄ (NEVER) |
- Why not?
- For learning.
- I use this framework for my custom RSS feed generators. I donβt want to build docker images, pypi download workflows, etc. I have a small server with a small disk. So dependency-free framework is good. No need to venv, no need docker.
Just run
python MostMinimalWebFramework.py
without worrying about dependencies, virtual envs, or docker image building process. - Also if you like docker, you can use the official python docker image without building a new image, without pushing it somewhere or without waiting for build processes etc.
docker run -it --rm \ -v "$PWD":/app \ -w /app \ -p 8080:8080 \ python:3-alpine \ python MostMinimalWebFramework.py
Hello world example:
app = MostMinimalWebFramework()
def f(request):
return Response("Hello World")
app.run("", 8080)
Json Response:
def json_response(request):
return JSONResponse({"msg": "Hello World"})
Method handling:
def method_handling(request):
if request.method == "GET":
return Response("Your method is GET")
elif request.method == "POST":
return Response("Your method is POST")
Different status code:
def status_code(request):
return Response("Different status code", status_code=202)
Exception raising:
def exception_raising(request):
raise ApiException({"msg": "custom_exception"}, status_code=400)
Request body handling:
def body_handling(request):
name = request.body["name"]
except (KeyError, TypeError):
raise ApiException({"msg": "name field required"},status_code=400)
return JSONResponse({"request__name": name})
Query param handling:
def query_param_handling(request):
q_parameter = request.query_params["q"][0]
except (KeyError, TypeError):
raise ApiException({"msg": "q query paramter required"}, status_code=400)
return JSONResponse({"your_q_parameter": q_parameter})
Header handling:
def header_handling(request):
token = request.headers["X-TOKEN"]
except (KeyError, TypeError):
raise ApiException({"msg": "Un authorized"}, status_code=403)
return Response(token)
Variable path
def varialbe_path(request):
user_id = request.path[len("/user/") : -len("/posts")]
return Response(f"posts for {user_id}", status_code=201)
Framework FULL Code:
import json
import re
import traceback
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Tuple
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse
class Request:
method: str
headers: Dict[str, str]
path: str
query_params: List[Dict[str, List[str]]] = field(default_factory=list)
body: Any = None
class Response:
body: Any
status_code: int = 200
content_type: str = "text/html"
class JSONResponse:
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return Response(content_type="application/json", *args, **kwargs)
class ApiException(Response, BaseException):
class MostMinimalWebFramework:
route_table: List[Tuple[re.Pattern, Callable]] = []
def route(self, path: str) -> Callable:
def decorator(func: Callable):
def __inner():
return func()
self.route_table.append((re.compile(path + "$"), func))
return __inner
return decorator
def get_route_function(self, searched_path: str) -> Callable:
return next(r for r in self.route_table if r[0].match(searched_path))[1]
def request_parser(self, request_str: str) -> Request:
request_lines = request_str.split("\r\n")
method, url, _ = request_lines[0].split(" ") # first line has method and url
headers = {}
for i, line in enumerate(request_lines[1:], 1):
if line == "": # under empty line, whole data is body
body = json.loads("".join(request_lines[i + 1 :]))
except json.JSONDecodeError:
body = "".join(request_lines[i + 1 :])
j = line.find(":") # left part of : will key, right part will be value
headers[line[:j].upper()] = line[j + 2 :]
url = urlparse(url)
return Request(method, headers, url.path, parse_qs(url.query), body)
def build_response(self, r: Response) -> str:
body = r.body if isinstance(r.body, str) else json.dumps(r.body)
return (
f"HTTP/1.1 {r.status_code}\r\nContent-Type: {r.content_type}; charset=utf-8"
f"\r\nContent-Length: {len(body)}\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n{body}"
def run(self, address: str, port: int):
serversocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
serversocket.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
serversocket.bind((address, port))
while True:
clientsocket, _ = serversocket.accept()
request = clientsocket.recv(4096).decode()
parsed_req = self.request_parser(request)
response = self.get_route_function(parsed_req.path)(parsed_req)
except ApiException as e:
response = e
except Exception:
response = Response({"msg": "500 - server error"}, 500)
print(response.status_code, parsed_req.method, parsed_req.path)