Geddit is a convenient abstraction for the API in Go. This library is a WIP. It should have some API coverage, but does not yet include things like the new OAuth model.
See godoc for OAuth examples.
Here is an example usage of the old, cookie authentication method:
(NOTE: You will be heavily rate-limited by reddit's API when using cookies. Consider switching to OAuth).
package main
import (
// Please don't handle errors this way.
func main() {
// Login to reddit
session, _ := geddit.NewLoginSession(
"gedditAgent v1",
// Set listing options
subOpts := geddit.ListingOptions{
Limit: 10,
// Get reddit's default frontpage
submissions, _ := session.DefaultFrontpage(geddit.DefaultPopularity, subOpts)
// Get our own personal frontpage
submissions, _ = session.Frontpage(geddit.DefaultPopularity, subOpts)
// Get specific subreddit submissions, sorted by new
submissions, _ = session.SubredditSubmissions("hockey", geddit.NewSubmissions, subOpts)
// Print title and author of each submission
for _, s := range submissions {
fmt.Printf("Title: %s\nAuthor: %s\n\n", s.Title, s.Author)
// Upvote the first post
session.Vote(submissions[0], geddit.UpVote)