Welcome to TapIt - The NextGen Dance Floor
TapIt is a express, socket.io, Redis PubSub powered application. The aim here was to create a proof-of-concept for probably the next-generation of interactive web applications.
Primary Goals
- Very very low latency.
- Entirely web-based i.e. no installation required
node - The server-side framework. express.js - The Web server socket.io - WebSocket power Redis Pubsub - Wildcard Push Notification support
Setting it up
Install node, npm and Redis. Install the node modules when you clone this directory.
npm install
Because we have the package.json it will automatically installs the dependant npm modules.
Playing the game
$ node notify.js
- Create a new game! http://localhost:3000/games/new
- When a new game is created, it gets a unique id.
- To join a game, http://host:port/game/:game_id/start
- Enter your handle.
- Dance your heart you!
And if you wanted a live demo - here you are http://tapit.nodejitsu.com
Feel free to fork and add more dance moves - Yeah!