This Plugin is Depreciated
There is an official mongodb plugin for dokku hosted in the dokku org: . I would recommend new users look there first. I will still maintain issues and pull requests here, but encourage users to consider migrating to the official plugin as it will get better support.
MongoDB plugin for Dokku
![Gitter]( Chat.svg)
Plugin to setup Mongodb accounts for containers deployed to Dokku
Dokku version v0.3.16 or greater.
Installation ( Dokku v0.3.x )
git clone /var/lib/dokku/plugins/mongodb
dokku plugins-install
Installation ( Dokku v0.4.0 or higher )
dokku plugin:install
$ dokku help
mongodb:console Launch an admin mongodb console
mongodb:create <app> <database> Create a Mongo database and optional params for app
mongodb:delete <app> <database> Delete specified Mongo database
mongodb:dump <database> [-tar] Creates a binary export of the contents of database (-tar tarball dump)
mongodb:link <app> <database> Set ENV variables for app if database exists
mongodb:list List all databases
mongodb:logs Show logs from MongoDB program
mongodb:restore <database> <file-or dirname> Restores the state of a database of a database exported with mongodb:dump
mongodb:start Start the MongoDB docker container if it isn't running
mongodb:status Shows status of MongoDB
mongodb:stop Stop the MongoDB docker container
Simple usage
You need to have app running with the same name!
Create a new DB:
$ dokku mongodb:create foo # Server side
$ ssh dokku@server mongodb:create foo # Client side
"_id" : ObjectId("524c90dc45addf0edad783a2"),
"user" : "foo",
"readOnly" : false,
"pwd" : "825ec0deacccb3c6bb621d84153e5877"
Now if you push your app again, you will have the following ENV variables:
These can be found using:
dokku config appname
The Mongo DB data is stored outside the container on the host at $DOKKU_ROOT/.mongodb/data
. Inside the container, this location is bound to /tmp/mongo
and will be there.
Since the data is stored outside the container, it will persistent through container restarts, and also be available to future revisions of your container.
Backing up a database
creates a backup of a whole database. The result can be optionally compressed in a gzipped tarball (tar.gz) by adding the -tar
parameter after the database name. The dump is placed in the current directory and named <databasename>-<date and time>
Example: dokku mongodb:dump api-production -tar
Restoring a database
can be used to restore dump created with mongodb:dump
(or mongodump
which it uses internally). It can be used with a gzipped dump.
Example: dokku mongodb:restore api-production /path/to/dump/api-production-2015-03-09-16h54-43s.tar.gz
It can also be used with a database dumped to a folder (mongodb:dump
without the -tar
Example: dokku mongodb:restore api-production /path/to/dump/api-production-2015-03-09-16h54-43s/api-production/
This will drop the database and re-create it completely from the dump.