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Serialization without any serialization codes in C++

dumpable - Serialization without any serialization codes in C++

What is it?

With dumpable, you could..

  • serialize your custom dumpable struct without any extra code for serialize/deserialize
  • deserialize in constant time (just casting to T*)

dumpable struct is a struct that contains only members with following types:

  • POD
  • dstring, dvector, dmap
  • another dumpable struct


Extracted from simple_example (test.cpp)

  1. Define custom struct - Use dstring, dwstring, dvector, dmap instead of string, wstring, vector, map respectively.
struct student
  dwstring name;
  int score;
  student(const wstring& name, int score) : name(name), score(score) {}

struct classroom
  dstring class_name;
  dvector<student> students;
  1. Fill data and dump to a file.
// building sample data
classroom data;

data.class_name = "1001";

// dump to file
ostringstream out;
dumpable::write(data, out);

FILE* fp = fopen("dumped.bin", "wb");
size_t buffer_size = out.str().size();
fwrite(&buffer_size, 1, sizeof(buffer_size), fp);
fwrite(out.str().data(), buffer_size, 1, fp);

// Wait, where's serialization code?
// You don't need it with dumpable!
Or you can do additional tasks like compression, encryption, adding meta informations and so on.
  1. Read from the file and reconstruct original data.

FILE* fp = fopen("dumped.bin","rb");
fread(&buffer_size, 1, sizeof(buffer_size), fp);
char* buffer = new char[buffer_size];
fread(buffer, buffer_size, 1, fp);

const classroom* pClassRoom = dumpable::from_dumped_buffer<classroom>(buffer);

// pClassRoom is valid; Play with pClassRoom.

// if we clear chunk ...
delete[] buffer;
// now pClassRom is now invalid.
Note: **dumpable::from\_dumped\_buffer** takes constant time.

See simple_example from test.cpp for more detail.

When to use? (or Why do I develop this library?)

I'm working at a video game company, so I want to optimize the loading speed of the game. dumpable eliminates time for reconstructing game data from binary to C++ struct.

It can also be used for serializing network packets. While protobuf is a very good tool for it, dumpable supports nested C++ structs.

Thready Safety

Currently only one thread can call dumpable::write. (It uses global variable. It can be change to thread_local.)
dumpable::from_dumped_buffer is thread-safe.


You cannot use dumpable with struct having virtual functions.
Modifying dumpable containers could be slow.
Versioning and error detection are not supported;
Calling dumpable::from_dumped_buffer<T> with a buffer created by an object of type U may crash the program.

Currently only few member functions are implemented.


Dumpable is header-only library. Include "dumpable.h" and that's all!


Dumpable is licensed under the MIT license. See the file LICENSE.

Special thanks to

Inspired by innover.