A curated list of awesome deep learning based papers on text detection and recognition.
Text Detection
- Papers are sorted by published date.
- IC is shorts for ICDAR.
- Score is F1-score for localization task.
- (L) stands for score in leader-board.
- If the reported score in leader-board is somewhat different from the paper, (L) is provided.
means official code andCODE(M)
means that traiend model is provided.
Text Recognition
- Papers are sorted by published date.
- IC is shorts for ICDAR.
- Score is word-accuracy for recognition task.
- For results on IC03, IC13, and IC15 dataset, papers used different numbers of samples per paper,
but we did not distinguish between them
- For results on IC03, IC13, and IC15 dataset, papers used different numbers of samples per paper,
means official code andCODE(M)
means that trained model is provided.
End-to-End Text Recognition
- Papers are sorted by published date.
- IC is shorts for ICDAR.
- Score is F1-score for generic task.
- (L) stands for score in leader-board.
means official code andCODE(M)
means that trained model is provided.
- Papers are sorted by published date.
means official code andCODE(M)
means that trained model is provided.
Other lists
- OCR Paper Curation
Tutorial Materials
- Lecture slides
- Survey Paper
- This work is done by OCR team in Clova AI powered by NAVER-LINE. NAVER-LINE is an Asian top internet company and develops Clova, a cloud-based AI-assistant platform.
- This repository is scheduled to be updated regularly in accordance with schedules of major AI conferences.