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Repository Details

This is a framework for the research on multi-agent reinforcement learning and the implementation of the experiments in the paper titled by ''Shapley Q-value: A Local Reward Approach to Solve Global Reward Games''.

Shapley Q-value: A Local Reward Approach to Solve Global Reward Games


This project implements the algorithm of Shapley Q-value deep deterministic policy gradient (SQDDPG) mentioned in the paper accpted by AAAI2020 (Oral):https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.05707 and demonstrates the experiments in comparison with Independent DDPG, Independent A2C, MADDPG and COMA.

The code is running on Ubuntu 18.04 with Python (3.5.4) and Pytorch (1.0).

The suggestion is installing Anaconda 3 with Python (3.5.4): https://www.anaconda.com/download/. To enable the experimantal environments, please install OpenAI Gym (0.10.5) and Numpy (1.14.5). To use Tensorboard to monitor the training process, please install Tensorflow (r1.14).
After installing the related dependencies mentioned above, open the terminal and execute the following bash script:

cd SQDDPG/environments/multiagent_particle_envs/
pip install -e .

Now, the dependencies for running the code are installed.

Running Code for Experiments

The experiments on Cooperative Navigation and Prey-and-Predator mentioned in the paper are based on the environments from https://github.com/openai/multiagent-particle-envs, i.e., simple_spread and simple_tag. For convenience, we merge this repository to our framework with slight modifications on the scenario simple-tag.

About the experiment on Traffic Junction, the environment is from https://github.com/IC3Net/IC3Net/tree/master/ic3net-envs/ic3net_envs. To ease the life, we also add it to our framework.


To easily run the code for training, we provide argument files for each experiment with variant methods under the directory args and bash script to execute the experiment with different arguments.

For example, if we would like to run the experiment of simple_tag with the algorithm SQPG, we can edit the file simple_tag_sqddpg.py to change the hyperparameters. Then, we can edit train.sh to change the variable EXP_NAME to "simple_tag_sqddpg" and the variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to the alias of the GPU you'd like to use, e.g. 0 here such that

# !/bin/bash
# sh train.sh


if [ ! -d "./model_save" ]
  mkdir ./model_save

mkdir ./model_save/$EXP_NAME$ALIAS
cp ./args/$EXP_NAME.py arguments.py
python -u train.py > ./model_save/$EXP_NAME$ALIAS/exp.out &
echo $! > ./model_save/$EXP_NAME$ALIAS/exp.pid

If necessary, we can also edit the variable ALIAS to ease the experiments with different hyperparameters. Now, we only need to run the experiment by the bash script such that

source train.sh


About testing, we provide a Python function called test.py which includes several arguments such that

--save-model-dir # the path to save the trained model
--render # whether the visualization is needed
--episodes # the number of episodes needed to run the test

Experimental Results

Cooperative Navigation

Mean reward per episode during training in Cooperative Navigation. SQDDPG(n) indicates SQDDPG with the sample size (i.e., M in Eq.8 of the paper) of n. In the rest of experiments, since only SQDDPG with the sample size of 1 is run, we just use SQDDPG to represent SQDDPG(1).


Turns to capture the prey per episode during training in Prey-and-Predator. SQDDPG in this experiment is with the sample size of 1.

Credit assignment to each predator for a fixed trajectory. The leftmost figure records a trajectory sampled by an expert policy. The square represents the initial position whereas the circle indicates the final position of each agent. The dots on the trajectory indicates each agent's temporary positions. The other figures show the normalized credit assignments generated by different MARL algorithms according to this trajectory. SQDDPG in this experiment is with the sample size of 1.

Traffic Junction

Easy 65.01% 93.08% 93.01% 93.72% 93.26%
Medium 67.51% 84.16% 82.48% 87.92% 88.98%
Hard 60.89% 64.99% 85.33% 84.21% 87.04%

The success rate on Traffic Junction, tested with 20, 40, and 60 steps per episode in easy, medium and hard versions respectively. The results are obtained by running each algorithm after training for 1000 episodes.

Extension of the Framework

This framework is easily to be extended by adding extra environments implemented in OpenAI Gym or new multi-agent algorithms implemented in Pytorch. To add extra algorithms, it just needs to inherit the base class models/model.py and implement the functions such that

policy(self, obs, last_act=None, last_hid=None, gate=None, info={}, stat={})
value(self, obs, act)

After implementing the class of your own methods, it needs to register your algorithm by the file aux.py. For example, if the algorithm is called sqddpg and the corresponding class is called SQDDPG, then the process of registeration is shown as below

schednetArgs = namedtuple( 'sqddpgArgs', ['sample_size'] ) # define the exclusive hyperparameters of this algorithm
Model = dict(...,
            ) # register the handle of the corresponding class of this algorithm
AuxArgs = dict(...,
              ) # register the exclusive args of this algorithm
             ) # register the training strategy of this algorithm, e.g., 'pg' or 'q'

Moreover, it is optional to define a restriction for your algorithm to avoid mis-defined hyperparameters in utilities/inspector.py such that

if ... ...:
   ... ... ... ...
elif args.model_name is 'sqddpg':
      assert args.replay is True
      assert args.q_func is True
      assert args.target is True
      assert args.gumbel_softmax is True
      assert args.epsilon_softmax is False
      assert args.online is True
      assert hasattr(args, 'sample_size')

Finally, you can additionally add auxilliary functions in directory utilities.

Temporarily, this framework only supports the policy gradient methods. The functionality of value based method is under test and will be available soon.


If you use the framework or part of the work mentioned in the paper, please cite:

   title={Shapley Q-Value: A Local Reward Approach to Solve Global Reward Games},
   journal={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
   publisher={Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)},
   author={Wang, Jianhong and Zhang, Yuan and Kim, Tae-Kyun and Gu, Yunjie},