A HomeMatic CCU Addon implementing a xml request functionality as an interface to all homematic deviced available to a CCU device. This addon provides useful scripts that can be accessed via a HTTP request to a CCU device and allows to query and set all e.g. room- and devicetype names.
Supported CCU models
- HomeMatic CCU3 / RaspberryMatic
- HomeMatic CCU2
- HomeMatic CCU1
This addon can be added like a usual CCU addon package via the WebUI provided functionality by selecting "System-Konfiguration » Systemsteuerung » Zusatzsoftware", to upload the addon package as a tar.gz and the use »Installieren« to actually install the addon. After a restart of the CCU the xml-api interface can then be selected from the »Zusatzsoftware« tab in the CCU settings.
Security advice
The call to one of the API routines is without any authentication. If the HomeMatic control center can be reached via the Internet without special protection, this is a serious security risk!
After installation the XML-API should be avilable via the following URL call:
where [CCU_IP] corresponds to the IP address or name of your CCU device and [ScriptName] being one of the following tool scripts:
ScriptName | Description / Parameters |
devicelist.cgi |
Lists all devices with their channels. Contains name, serial number, device types and ids.show_internal=1 (outputs all internal channels also) |
functionlist.cgi |
Lists all functions with their channels. |
favoritelist.cgi |
Lists all favorites and users.show_datapoint (outputs also attribute datapoint_id and datapoint_type ) |
mastervalue.cgi |
Returns one or more (1234,5678) devices with their names and values of their master values.device_id=1234 (returns all master values of device)requested_name=TEMPERATURE_COMFORT,TEMPERATURE_LOWERING (returns only master values for specified names) |
mastervaluechange.cgi |
Sets one or more (TEMPERATURE_LOWERING,TEMPERATURE_COMFORT) master values of one or more (1234,5678) devices.device_id=1234 (sets master values of device)name=TEMPERATURE_LOWERING (sets specified master value only)value=17.0,22.5 (sets master values to specified values) |
programlist.cgi |
Lists all programs. |
programactions.cgi |
change the Programactions active and visible Parameter: programactions.cgi?program_id=1234&active=true&visible=true |
protocol.cgi |
Returns the system protocol.clear=1 (clears the system protocol) |
runprogram.cgi |
Starts the specified program.program_id=1234 (id of program to start) |
roomlist.cgi |
Lists all rooms with their channels. |
rssilist.cgi |
Lists all devices with their signal strength. |
scripterrors.cgi |
Searches the last 10 lines of /var/log/messages for homematic-script errors and output these. |
state.cgi |
Returns for single or multiple devices (1234,5678) the channels and their values.device_id=1234 (id of the device to return values)channel_id=5678 (id of the channel to return values)datapoint_id=12839 (id of data to return only Value()) |
statelist.cgi |
Lists all devices with channels and current values.ise_id (id of devices to list values for)show_internal=1 (also return internal attribute state) |
statechange.cgi |
Changes one or more channel states.ise_id=1234,5678 (id of the channels)new_value=0.20 (new value for channel state) |
systemNotification.cgi |
Returns the current system notifications |
systemNotificationClear.cgi |
Clears all current clearable system notifications. |
sysvarlist.cgi |
Lists all system variable with values.text=true (return current value of system variable in attribute value_text) |
sysvar.cgi |
Returns single system variable with values.ise_id=1234 (id of system variable) |
version.cgi |
Outputs version of XML-API |
All of these scripts, if called, generate a xml structured output that can then be used by third-party applications to display or modify certain information.
All of these scripts rely on a ise_id
device or channel identifier. You can get this ise_id
for the needed datapoint by analysing the result of statelist.cgi
. The id can be used in the following way:
This call, if executed with the right ise_id and IP adress would then set a dimmer to 20%.
- implemented mastervalue query + change which can also handle HmIP devices.
- fixed version output
- fixed incorrect use of
on alarm type system variables.
- add programactions.cgi for activ and visible Programactions
- fixed bug in
if called without any argument (ise_id) resulting in a SyntaxError in ReGa. - fixed bug where calling
with no argument or with an non-program program_id ended up in a ReGa Exec/ScriptRuntimeError.
- fixed a bug where
was incorrectly used inprotocol.cgi
- Support to query and set master values via
- Fixed
to not use.AlDestMapDP()
- Workaround für Osram Lightify
- Kompatibilität zu RaspberryMatic (HM-RASPBERRYMATIC) hergestellt.
- Die XML-API kann jetzt als Addon/Zusatzsoftware über das WebUI installiert/deinstalliert werden
- statechange.cgi - aendern eines oder mehrere Kanaele-Zustaende
- sysvar.cgi - Anpassung wegen Variablen Name "Timer>>"
- devicelist.cgi - operate und show_internal hinzugefügt
- programlist.cgi - operate und visible hinzugefügt
- statelist.cgi - channel visible, operate und operations hinzugefügt
- statechange.cgi - encoden von Hexadezimalwerten
- protocol.cgi - Timestamp hinzugefügt
- state.cgi - einzelne Datenpunktausgabe (...) entfernt
- state.cgi - Abfrage Abfrage von mehreren IDs hinzugefügt (z.Bsp.: state.cgi?device_id=12796,1245789 )
- neues cgi systemNotification.cgi - Gibt die System Meldungen aus
- neues cgi systemNotificationClear.cgi - Löcht die vorhandenen System Meldungen
- Bugfix
- Anpassung für CCU2
- Datenpunktausgabe "value_name_0 und value_name_1" in sysvar.cgi und sysvarlist.cgi hinzugefügt
- Datenpunktausgabe "unit" in state.cgi und statelist.cgi hinzugefügt
- scripterrors.cgi - Sucht in den letzten 10 Zeilen von /var/log/messages nach Homematic-Script Fehlermeldungen
- Ausgabe von version.cgi von 1.3 auf 1.2 zurück-geändert um Probleme mit Homedroid zu vermeiden
- statechange.cgi - Anführungszeichen hinzugefügt damit auch Varialben vom Typ Zeichenkette gesetzt werden können
- neues cgi scripterrors.cgi hinzugefügt. Gibt aus den letzten 10 Zeilen der /var/log/messages Homematic-Script Fehlermeldungen aus
- Fehler in sysvarlist.cgi behoben, 3 Attribute haben gefehlt. (Danke Monty)
- Datenpunktausgabe in favoritelist.cgi arbeitet nun wie erwartet (gleiches verhalten wie state.cgi, danke Monty).
- exec.cgi (von http://homematic-forum.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=7014) hinzugefügt. Liefert zwar json und kein xml - passt aber thematisch imho trotzdem dazu
- favoritelist.cgi - Parameter show_datapoint aktiviert Ausgabe der zugehörigen Datenpunkte bzw systemvariablen (übernommen aus statelist.cgi und sysvar.cgi). Paramter show_internal siehe statelist.cgi
- statelist.cgi - Parameter show_internal=1 aktiviert nun die Ausgabe des Datenpunkt-Attributs state
- info.html aktualisiert
- version.cgi liefert nun 1.3 zurück
- protocol.cgi hinzugefügt: Gibt das Systemprotokol zurück. Parameter: start, show, clear. clear=1 löscht das Protokoll
- allow-origin Header hinzugefügt
- info.html aktualisiert
- sysvar.cgi hinzugefügt: Gibt eine einzelne Variable zurück. Liefert Wertelisten. Parameter: ise_id
- sysvarlist.cgi: neuer Parameter text um die neuen Attribute value_list and value_text zu aktivieren (text=true)
- cgi.tcl und once.tcl entfernt
- jens-maus, Maik (Monty1979), Philipp (ultrah), hobbyquaker, dirch, Uwe (uwe111)