Univaq Bot - Faculty of Computer Science
This is an unofficial telegram bot, for the University of L'Aquila.
We built it to provide a single and simple source of information for students of University of L'Aquila, in particular for the faculty of Computer Science (aka disim).
All information is acquired, scraped, parsed, stored and synchronised using a bunch of Python scripts.
Read the blog post for further information
Start using it
You can start using the univaq telegram bot by searching in the Telegram app for @univaq_informatica_bot
How does it work
The telegram bot provides students with up-to-date information on professors, facilities and news about the university, without needing to repeatedly visit the university website, the univaq telegram bot does the work so you don't have to!
As with every telegram bot, you can ask the bot what does by entering /help
or even /start
Let's check out what commands you can use:
help - Stampa la lista dei comandi
news - Mostra le notifiche per la sezione del dipartimento che preferisci.
newson - Abilita le notifiche per la sezione del dipartimento che preferisci.
newsoff - Disattiva le notifiche per la sezione del dipartimento che preferisci.
prof - Stampa la lista dei professori
prof cognome/corso - Info su un docente filtrato per corso o cognome
segreteria - Info sulla segreteria studenti
mensa - Info sugli orari della mensa
adsu - Info sull'adsu
feedback - Lascia un messaggio agli sviluppatori
We accept of course every kind of contribution and if you're going to submit pull requests to this project, we kindly ask you to do so on the dev
For further information on code style, please read srs-outline
inside the docs folder. Thank you very much.
The list of commands will be updated. We are currently thinking of possible improvements and extensions. If you have suggestions for us, please consider opening an issue
The univaq telegram bot also provides a push notification service. When new unread news is published on the university website, the univaq telegram bot can send it to you via a push notification (you can activate/deactivate this notification service in any time using the bot commands).
The website of univaq telegram bot is http://giacomocerquone.github.io/UnivaqBot/
It's an open source project built for didactic purposes. Please help us to make it better.