Kirby 2 CLI
Kirby's command line interface helps you with regular tasks like the installation of the Kirby starterkit and updating your Kirby installation. It also offers a comfortable way to install templates, snippets, controllers and blueprints.
The Kirby CLI is being installed with Composer, the PHP package manager. For installation instructions for Composer, please visit the Composer website.
After installing composer, you can install Kirby CLI by running the following command:
composer global require getkirby-v2/cli
Make sure to place the…
…directory in your PATH so the kirby executable can be located by your system.
It can happen that you get into dependency issues with other global composer packages. In this case, try to install the CLI to a custom location without the global
option and set the path accordingly.
composer require getkirby-v2/cli
To update the CLI, run the following composer command:
composer global update getkirby-v2/cli
kirby install
Creates a new Kirby installation.
kirby install
By default the starterkit will be installed in a new directory called kirby. You can specify the directory with the second argument
kirby install mywebsite
You can also install any other official Kirby kit (starterkit, plainkit, langkit) with the --kit
kirby install --kit langkit
kirby install --kit plainkit
kirby install --kit starterkit
Dev version
You can also use the install command to install the latest version from the development branch to test beta features. This is not recommended for production.
kirby install --dev
kirby install --dev --kit langkit
kirby install --dev --kit plainkit
kirby install --dev --kit starterkit
kirby install:core
If you've already setup your site structure and you want to add the Kirby core, you can run kirby install:core instead of kirby install
kirby install:core
Dev version
To install the core from the develop branch, use the --dev flag:
kirby install:core --dev
kirby install:panel
If you want to add the panel to an existing installation, you can run…
kirby install:panel
Dev version
To install the panel from the develop branch, use the --dev flag:
kirby install:panel --dev
kirby install:index.php
Sometimes it might make sense to reinstall the index.php or use this in combination with kirby install:core and kirby install:panel to create your own folder structure:
kirby install:index.php
kirby install:htaccess
If you add the .htaccess manually or reinstall it, you can run…
kirby install:htaccess
kirby uninstall
You can wipe the current Kirby installation with…
kirby uninstall
This will remove the core, all kirby files in your document root, the thumbs folder and the panel. Your content and assets won't be removed.
kirby uninstall:panel
Uninstall the panel only with…
kirby uninstall:panel
kirby update
To update an existing Kirby installation, you can run…
kirby update
This will update the kirby and panel folder, if it exists. You must run this within an existing Kirby installation, which follows Kirby's default folder structure.
Dev version
To update to the latest version from the develop branch, use the --dev flag.
kirby update --dev
kirby plugin:install
You can install Kirby plugins with a valid package.json file and plugin type field from any repo on Github.
kirby plugin:install getkirby-plugins/cachebuster-plugin
You must pass the correct Github repository path as the second argument. The package.json file has to contain a type
field with one of the following values:
- kirby-plugin (will be installed in /site/plugins)
- kirby-field (will be installed in /site/fields)
- kirby-tag (will be installed in /site/tags)
If you want to install a plugin from Kirby's official Plugins organisation ( you can omit the full path and just specify the repo name:
kirby plugin:install cachebuster-plugin
kirby plugin:update
To update an existing plugin, you can use…
kirby plugin:update getkirby-plugins/cachebuster-plugin
The shortcut for official plugins is working here as well:
kirby plugin:update cachebuster-plugin
kirby make:blueprint
To create a boilerplate blueprint for a particular template, you can use the kirby make:blueprint command:
kirby make:blueprint projects
This will start the blueprint builder and take you through a couple questions to setup the blueprint options.
If you prefer to just create a clean boilerplate, you can use…
kirby make:blueprint projects --bare
This will create a fresh blueprint: /site/blueprints/projects.yml
kirby make:controller
To create a boilerplate controller for a particular template, you can use the kirby make:controller command:
kirby make:controller projects
This will create a fresh controller: /site/controllers/projects.php
kirby make:snippet
To create a snippet, you can use the kirby make:snippet command:
kirby make:snippet header
This will create a fresh snippet: /site/snippets/header.php
kirby make:template
To create a template, you can use the kirby make:template command:
kirby make:template projects
This will create a fresh template: /site/templates/template.php
kirby make:user
To create a new user account, you can use the kirby make:user command:
kirby make:user -u home -p simpson -e [email protected]
The email is optional. You can also use the full option names:
kirby make:user --username home --password simpson --email [email protected]
This will create a new user in /site/accounts/homer.php
kirby make:tag
To create a new kirbytext tag template, you can use the kirby make:tag command:
kirby make:tag mytag
This will create a new tag boilerplate in /site/tags/mytag.php
kirby make:plugin
To create a new plugin boilerplate, you can use the kirby make:plugin command:
kirby make:plugin myplugin
This will create a new plugin boilerplate in /site/plugins/myplugin/myplugin.php
kirby delete:blueprint
To delete a blueprint, you can run the delete:blueprint command, which will give you a list of all deleteable blueprints
kirby delete:blueprint
To delete a particular blueprint, run…
kirby delete:blueprint myblueprint
kirby delete:controller
To delete a controller, you can run the delete:controller command, which will give you a list of all deleteable controllers
kirby delete:controller
To delete a particular controller, run…
kirby delete:controller mycontroller
kirby delete:plugin
To delete a plugin, you can run the delete:plugin command, which will give you a list of all deleteable plugins
kirby delete:plugin
To delete a particular plugin, run…
kirby delete:plugin myplugin
kirby delete:snippet
To delete a snippet, you can run the delete:snippet command, which will give you a list of all deleteable snippets
kirby delete:snippet
To delete a particular snippet, run…
kirby delete:snippet mysnippet
kirby delete:tag
To delete a tag, you can run the delete:tag command, which will give you a list of all deleteable tags
kirby delete:tag
To delete a particular tag, run…
kirby delete:tag mytag
kirby delete:template
To delete a template, you can run the delete:template command, which will give you a list of all deleteable templates
kirby delete:template
To delete a particular template, run…
kirby delete:template mytemplate
kirby delete:user
To delete a user account, you can run the delete:user command, which will give you a list of all deleteable users
kirby delete:user
To delete a particular user, run…
kirby delete:user username
kirby clear:cache
Clears the cache directory
kirby clear:cache
kirby clear:thumbs
Delets all thumbnails in /thumbs
kirby clear:thumbs
kirby version
Prints the current version of the core, the panel and the toolkit
kirby version
Bastian Allgeier
[email protected]