Hex-Rays OLLVM Deobfuscator and MicroCode Explorer
Original by Rolf Folles Ported from https://github.com/RolfRolles/HexRaysDeob
Reference: https://www.hex-rays.com/blog/hex-rays-microcode-api-vs-obfuscating-compiler/
Implements all options in a menu item on pseudo code view
Allows to runtime enable/disable the deobfuscator
After enable/disable press F5 again in the pseuco code view to refresh
This uses the new C++ plugin API so it's only >= IDA 7.5 compatible
Based on IDA SDK ht_view sample plugin
Alternative microcode explorer with different features is Lucid
The default Makefile
is for macOS version. Windows and Linux versions available per original project.
Mac build
Edit the Makefile
and fix the IDA paths if necessary.
To compile and install 64 bit version:
EA=1 make
EA=1 make install
To compile and install 32 bit version:
EA=0 make
EA=0 make install
Linux build
To compile and install 64 bit version:
EA=1 IDA_DIR=<PATH_TO_IDA> IDA_SDK=<PATH_TO_IDA_SDK> make -f makefile.lnx
EA=1 IDA_DIR=<PATH_TO_IDA> IDA_SDK=<PATH_TO_IDA_SDK> make install -f makefile.lnx
To compile and install 32 bit version:
EA=0 IDA_DIR=<PATH_TO_IDA> IDA_SDK=<PATH_TO_IDA_SDK> make -f makefile.lnx
EA=0 IDA_DIR=<PATH_TO_IDA> IDA_SDK=<PATH_TO_IDA_SDK> make install -f makefile.lnx
Windows build
Open the Visual Studio project and hope for the best. Didn't test :-)