Timeline of Tips #100 Switch Root VC Extension #99 C Style For Loop Using Stride #98 Importance of Weak Reference #97 Custom Operator #96 Operator Overloading #95 Array Prepend Extension Function #94 SnapKit Usage #93 Distance of two CGPoint #92 Int and String Description of Bool #91 Sum Function for Numeric Collection #90 Labeled Statements #89 Required Height for Label #88 Auto Layout Extension #87 Int to UInt, Double, Float #86 URL Query Parameters #85 Adding a prefix to a string #84 Decoding JSON from Bundle #83 Word Count Function #82 Show Alert Extension #81 Get an Element in Safety #80 Bundle Extension #79 Search Bar Text Field #78 distinct(by: ) function #77 Remove the same value from the array #76 Remove element by the instances in an array #75 Register - Dequeue XIB UICollectionView #74 Register - Dequeue XIB UITableViewCell #73 Class Name Extension #72 Handling Future Enum Cases Swift 5.0 #71 Conform Never to Equatable and Hashable Swift 5.0 #70 Support 'less than' operator in compilation conditions Swift 5.0 #69 Character Properties Swift 5.0 #68 Flatten nested optionals resulting from 'try?' Swift 5.0 #67 compactMapValues Swift 5.0 #66 count(where:) Swift 5.0 #65 isMultiple(of:) Swift 5.0 #64 Extension for Nested Types #63 Code Separation #62 Preserving Initializers #61 Protocol Conformance #60 Sketch Shadow #59 Facade Pattern #58 Observer Pattern #57 Strategy Pattern #56 Factory Pattern #55 Adapter Pattern #54 Singleton Pattern #53 Dispatch Group #52 Background QoS #51 Utility QoS #50 Default QoS #49 User Initiated QoS #48 User Interactive QoS #47 Quality of Service Classes #46 MutatingFunction #45 Dynamic Member Lookup #44 Bitwise Shift Operators #43 Unary Minus Operator #42 One-Sided Range #41 Half-Open Range Operator #40 Closed Range Operator #39 Variadic Parameters #38 Omitting Argument Labels #37 Function Argument Labels #36 Repeat While #35 Multiline String Literals #34 Builder Pattern #33 Swap Values #32 Generic Functions #31 Fallthrough #30 Join & Split Function #29 Nil-Coalescing Operator #28 Ternary Operator #27 Public Private(set) #26 Property Observers #25 Return Multiple Values #24 Discardable Result #23 Lazy Property #22 Default Parameter #21 Type Methods #20 Static Type Properties #19 Computed Properties #18 Shuffled and Shuffle functions #17 CaseIterable Protocol #16 Element of Operator β #15 Passing Operator #14 CompactMap Function #13 Map Function #12 In-out Parameter #11 Simple Defer Function #10 AllSatisfy Function #9 First Where Function #8 Guard Optional Binding #7 Filter Function #6 One Time Code #iOS12 #5 Dismiss Keyboard Interactively #4 Member Short Hand #3 UIColor Convenience Init #2 Static Factory Methods for UILabel #1 Add Subview Extension