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    Apache License 2.0
  • Created about 8 years ago
  • Updated almost 4 years ago


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Repository Details

Some examples / tutorials on using Ehcache 3.

Ehcache 3 Samples

This repository contains examples of and tutorials about usage of Ehcache 3.


  • 'basic' - demonstrates basic configuration and usage of Ehcache 3

  • 'clustered' - demonstrates using distributed caching features with Terracotta server

  • 'jsr107' - demonstrates configuration through JSR-107 (JCache)

  • 'fullstack' - binding with Spring, Hibernate and Metrics using JSR-107 in a real application

  • 'scale-continuum' - live benchmark with different caching options

  • 'caching-still-matters' - code examples used for the "Caching Still Matters" conference