TryHackMe notes, code, PoC, solutions, writeups, scribbles, drafts...
tryhackme/edoardottt (Top 1%)
Tools used:
- CyberChef
- nmap
- scilla
- cariddi
- lit-bb-hack-tools
- pentestmonkey
- gobuster
- Burpsuite
- metasploit
- sqlmap
- zaproxy
- wireshark
- whois
- dig
- ping
- traceroute
- exiftool
- hashcat
- john the ripper
- GTFObins
- nikto
- hash-identifier
- netcat
- ftp
- binwalk
- steghide
- curl
- PowerSploit
- hydra
- exploit-db
- Nessus
- enum4linux
- smbclient
- linEnum
- linpeas
- What's my name Web
- Google Maps
- Have I been Pwned
- Jeffrey's Image Metadata Viewer
- radare2
- ILSpy
- PowerShell
- crackstation
- lxc
- shodan
- gpg
- stegsolve
- fcrackzip
- Vim
- peepdf
- vmonkey
- tplmap
- xsrfprobe
- c-jwt-cracker
- wfuzz
- kerbrute
- impacket
- Rubeus
- evil-winrm
- ffuf
- knock (Port Knocking)
- knock (Subdomains scanning)
- Web Archive
- dirbuster
- yarGen
Contributing If you want to contribute to this project, you can start opening an issue.
Open an issue if you find an error. to contact me.