This application will export the content of a DynamoDB table into CSV (comma-separated values) output. All you need to do is update config.json
with your AWS credentials and region.
The output is comma-separated and each field is enclosed by double quotes ("). Double quotes in the data as escaped as "
This software is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
typically, to use you'd run:
node dynamoDBtoCSV.js -t Hourly_ZEDO_Impressions_by_IP > output.csv
or even:
node dynamoDBtoCSV.js -t Hourly_ZEDO_Impressions_by_IP -f output.csv
to export to CSV
Use -d to describe the table prior so you can have an idea of the number of rows you are going to export
node dynamoDBtoCSV.js -t Hourly_ZEDO_Impressions_by_IP -d
to get some information about the table.
Full syntax is:
node dynamoDBtoCSV.js --help
Usage: dynamoDBtoCSV.js [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-t, --table [tablename] Add the table you want to output to csv
-i, --index [indexname] Add the index you want to output to csv
-k, --keyExpression [keyExpression] The name of the partition key to filter results on
-v, --KeyExpressionValues [value] The expression for filtering on the primary key
-S, --select [list of fields] The list of fields to select on
-c, --count Only get count, requires -pk flag
-a, --stats [fieldname] Gets the count of all occurances by a specific field name
(only string fields are supported presently)
-e, --endpoint [url] Endpoint URL, can be used to dump from local DynamoDB
-f, --file [file] Name of the file to be created
-d, --describe Describe the table
-p, --profile [profile] Use profile from your credentials file
-ec --envcreds Load AWS Credentials using AWS Credential Provider Chain
You'll need to install a few modules, including:
- aws-sdk
- commander
- dynamodb-marshaler
- papaparse
npm install
should do it.
Example output
Advanced queries
Output a selection of columns
node dynamoDBtoCSV.js -t my-table -i rule_type_id_index -k "rule_type_id = :v1" -v "{\":v1\": {\"S\": \"my_primary_key_valye\"}}" -s "rule_type_id, created_by" -r us-west-2
Output stats
node dynamoDBtoCSV.js -t my-table -i rule_type_id_index -k "rule_type_id = :v1" -v "{\":v1\": {\"S\": \"my_primary_key_valye\"}}" -s "rule_type_id, created_by" -r us-west-2 -a created_by