WIP developer only iOS 15 jailbreak for checkm8 devices (Apple A8-A11)
full rootfs r/w (fakefs), tweak injection etc...
It's very likely that there are mistakes in the code, so it's recommended to debug in serial (because the device-side verbose boot is not able to follow SpringBoard's startup).
Supported Environment
- iPhone 6s (iPhone8,1/N71AP) 15.7.1
It is necessary that your device's storage is 32 GB or more. When duplicating rootfs, 5GB of storage will be used up.
iPhone8,1 ipsw of iOS 15.7.1
setting up the necessary components to sshrd
- macos side
cd SSHRD_Script/
./sshrd.sh 15.7.1
./sshrd.sh boot
./sshrd.sh ssh
- ios side
newfs_apfs -A -D -o role=r -v System /dev/disk0s1
mount_apfs /dev/disk0s1s1 /mnt1
mount_apfs /dev/disk0s1s8 /mnt2
mount_apfs /dev/disk0s1s6 /mnt6
cp -a /mnt1/. /mnt2/
umount /mnt1
mkdir /mnt6/{UUID}/binpack
mkdir /mnt2/jbin
- macos side
cd ayakurume/
scp -P 2222 ios/lightstrap.tar root@localhost:/mnt6/
scp -P 2222 ios/jb.dylib ios/jbloader ios/launchd root@localhost:/mnt2/jbin/
- ios side
tar -xvf /mnt6/lightstrap.tar -C /mnt6/{UUID}/binpack/
rm /mnt6/lightstrap.tar
Copy apticket.der to the mac side.
- macos side
scp -P 2222 root@localhost:/mnt6/{UUID}/System/Library/Caches/apticket.der ./
- ios side
First-run preparations
- macos side
./gaster pwn
./gaster decrypt iBSS.n71.RELEASE.im4p iBSS.n71.RELEASE.dec
bspatch iBSS.n71.RELEASE.dec pwniBSS.dec n71_19H117/jboot/iBSS.patch
./img4 -i pwniBSS.dec -o iBSS.img4 -M apticket.der -A -T ibss
First run
- macos side
./gaster pwn
irecovery -f iBSS.img4
After confirming the startup of dropbear
- macos side
iproxy {port} 44
ssh root@localhost -p {port}
scp -P {port} bootstrap-ssh.tar root@localhost:/var/root
scp -P {port} org.swift.libswift_5.0-electra2_iphoneos-arm.deb root@localhost:/var/root
scp -P {port} com.ex.substitute_2.3.1_iphoneos-arm.deb root@localhost:/var/root
scp -P {port} com.saurik.substrate.safemode_0.9.6005_iphoneos-arm.deb root@localhost:/var/root
- ios side
mount -uw /
cd /var/root
tar --preserve-permissions --no-overwrite-dir -xvf bootstrap-ssh.tar -C /
apt update
apt upgrade -y
apt install org.coolstar.sileo
dpkg -i *.deb
rm *.deb
rm bootstrap-ssh.tar
touch /.installed_ayakurume
- macos side
./gaster pwn
irecovery -f iBSS.img4
- launchd hook: LinusHenze's fugu
- jbinit: tihmstar
- img4lib: xerub
- bootstrap: ProcursusTeam
- bootstrap: checkra1n
- translation: lisianthus