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    Apache License 2.0
  • Created about 7 years ago
  • Updated over 1 year ago


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Show case card view



Firstly, add Jitpack repository in your root build.gradle file (not your module build.gradle file):

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

Add dependency to your module's build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.dimorinny:show-case-card-view:0.0.4'


You can display a ShowCase on your activity or fragment using the below code.

To display a list of (click-through) steps:

new ShowCaseStepDisplayer.Builder(MainActivity.this)
    .addStep(new ShowCaseStep(new Center(), "Message at center"))
    .addStep(new ShowCaseStep(view, "Message at View"))

Use withScrollView() if some step's target Views could be inside a ScrollView, they will be auto-scrolled to:

new ShowCaseStepDisplayer.Builder(MainActivity.this)
    .addStep(new ShowCaseStep(view, "Message at View to scroll to"))
    .addStep(new ShowCaseStep(new TopLeft(), "Message at TopLeft"))

To display a single item:

new ShowCaseView.Builder(MainActivity.this)
    .withTypedPosition(new TopLeft())
    .withTypedRadius(new Radius(186F))
    .withContent("This is hello world!")

Available positions:

  • Position(PointF position)
  • TopLeft()
  • TopRight()
  • BottomLeft()
  • BottomRight()
  • TopLeftToolbar()
  • TopRightToolbar()
  • ViewPosition(View view)
  • Center()
  • BottomCenter()

Available radiuses:

  • Radius(float radius)
  • ViewRadius(View view)

For more complicated usage - see example.