A dropbox client powered by Preact, Electron and Photon.
Download Dropfox β
Note: building the app requires a Dropbox API Key, specified as
env var.If you need a key, generate one here.
npm install
Run for Development
Runs a local copy of Electron (via electron-prebuilt), rendering the app with Live-Reload / HMR via webpack-dev-server.
Note: you may need to reload (Cmd/Ctrl + R) after the initial Webpack build completes.
npm start
To build the app for OS X, Linux, and Windows, using electron-packager:
npm run build
Platform-Specific Builds
You can also build the codebase, and then package it only for a given platform:
# build the electron & web source:
npm run build:all
# generate the package for your platform(s):
npm run build:electron:osx
npm run build:electron:linux
npm run build:electron:win
MIT Β© Jason Miller