Go-JsonError is meant to allow us to easily create json response errors that follow the JsonApi spec.
In order to use jsonError you will need to initliaze the ErrorJson struct. Then when you would like to add an error you must pass in a ErrorComp struct to the AddError().
This follows the jsonapi spec where the error response must return an array.
Here is a basic example
var err ErrorJSON
errorComposition := ErrorComp{
Detail: "this is a error message",
Code: "This is the code",
Source: Source{
Pointer: "/unit/tests",
Title: "Title Test",
Status: 200,
This package is just using the standard test packge included with go. You can run the test cases with
go test ./...
Please feel free to submit any pull requests.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- David Dymko
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details