Focus and select windows in i3.
Draws a small label ('a'-'z') on top of each visible container, which can be selected by pressing the corresponding key on the keyboard (cancel with ESC). By default, only windows on the current workspace are labelled.
Focus the selected window:
It also possible to only print out the con_id of the selected window and, for example, move it to workspace 3:
./i3-easyfocus -i | xargs -I {} i3-msg [con_id={}] move workspace 3
Or to print the window id and use it with other commands, like xkill:
./i3-easyfocus -w | xargs xkill -id
Usage: i3-easyfocus <options>
-h --help show this message
-i --con-id print con id, does not change focus
-w --window-id print window id, does not change focus
-a --all label visible windows on all outputs
-c --current label visible windows within current container
-r --rapid rapid mode, keep on running until Escape is pressed
-m --modifier <mod> listen to keycombo <mod>+<label> instead of only <label>
- ctrl, shift, mod1, mod2, mod3, mod4, mod5
- or combine with, e.g., mod1+shift
-s --sort-by <method> how to sort the workspaces' labels when using --all:
- <location> based on their location (default)
- <num> using the workspaces' numbers
-f --font <font-name> set font name, see `xlsfonts` for available fonts
-k --keys <mode> set the labeling keys to use:
- <avy> prefers home row for qwerty (default)
- <colemak> prefers home row for colemak
- <alpha> orders alphabetically
--color-urgent-bg <rgb> set label background color of urgent windows, e.g., FF00FF
--color-focused-bg <rgb> set label background color of focused windows, e.g., FF00FF
--color-unfocused-bg <rgb> set label background color of unfocused windows, e.g., FF00FF
--color-urgent-fg <rgb> set label foreground color of urgent windows, e.g., FF00FF
--color-focused-fg <rgb> set label foreground color of focused windows, e.g., FF00FF
--color-unfocused-fg <rgb> set label foreground color of unfocused windows, e.g., FF00FF
You can change the keybindings and the font in src/config.h
- i3ipc-glib (>= 0.6.0)
- xcb and xcb-keysyms
If there is a problem or you have an idea, please feel free to open a new issue.
In order to get more details about a problem you can build in debug mode, which will produce more log messages:
make clean debug