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Execute commands as a workflow.


Trackman is a command line tool and Go library that runs multiple commands in a workflow. It support parallel steps, step dependencies, async steps and success checkers.


Head to Trackman's releases and install download the executable for your OS / Architecture. Your version will be updated to the latest version after the first run, so don't worry about the version you pickup first.


Using Trackman is simple. It uses a YAML file to describe the steps to run and runs them. Here is an example workflow.yml file:

version: 1
  - name: list
    command: ls -la
  - name: env
    command: echo $USER

Save this file as workflow.yml and run it:

$ trackman run -f workflow.yml

Alternatively you can pipe in the workflow into Trackman:

$ cat workflow.yml | trackman apply -f -

This will run both steps in parallel.


Steps can be made dependent to each other:

version: 1
  - name: list
    command: ls -la
  - name: env
    command: echo $USER
      - list

In the example above, env will only run once list is finished successfully.

You can make a step dependent on more than one step. Such step will only run once all of the dependee steps have finished successfully.

Success and Failure

By default a step is considered successfully finished when it's done with an exit status of 0.

Sometimes however, there are tasks that run asynchronously and return with 0 immediately but their success will be known later. For example when kubectl applies a new configuration to a cluster, its success cannot be determined by the exit status. Trackman supports this by running probes.

version: 1
  - name: deploy
    command: kubectl apply -f manifest.yml
      command: kubectl wait --for=condition=complete job/myjob

This workflow will run kubectl apply -f manifest.yml first. If it returns with exit status 0 (it ran successfully), will then run kubectl wait --for=condition=complete job/myjob until it returns with exit status 0 and considers the step successful.

Trackman can continue running if a step fails if the step has a continue_on_fail: true.


By default Trackman waits for 10 seconds for each step to complete. If the step fails to complete within 10 seconds, it will consider it failed. This is the same for probes: all probes should return within 10 seconds.

You can change the timeout per step using the timeout attribute:

version: 1
  - name: dopy
    command: sleep 60
    timeout: 30s

Probes share their step's timeout.


You can add metadata to the workflow file as well as each step. Metadata can be used in step arguments.

version: 1
    foo: bar
  - name: list
      fuzz: buzz
    command: ls la

You can use the metadata as arguments of a step:

  - name: dump
      foo: bar
    command: "echo {{ index .Metadata \"foo\" }}"

Trackman can use Golang template language.

Metadata is an attribute on both Step and the entire workflow. You can use MergedMetadata instead of Metadata to gain access to a merged list of meta data from the step and the workflow. If any value is defined in both places, step will override workflow.

Work directory

To set the working directory of a step, use workdir attribute on a step.

Environment Variables

All environment variables in commands and their arguments are replaced with $ values. For example $HOME will be replaced with the right home directory address. This is the same for all environment variables available to Trackman at the time it starts.

All environment variables available to Trackman when it starts will be passed on to the step commands.

To specify environment variables that are applies only to a single step, use the env attribute:

  - name: dump
    env: ["FOO=BAR"]

If the assigned environment variable already exists, it will overwrite the OS environment variable for this step.

Preflight Checks

You can run some checks before the workflow starts. These could be checking for certain binaries or packages to be installed on the machine before the workflow starts. Each step can have one or more preflight checks. The workflow will run all preflight checks before starting to run the steps. If any of the preflight checks fail, the workflow will not start.

Success of a preflight check is based on the exit status. You can also assign an optional friendly message to each preflight check to be displayed in the event of a failure.

  - name: list
    command: ls -la
      - command: true
        message: "Oh nose!"

Workflow Attributes

The following attributes can be set for the workflow:

Attribute Description Default
version Workflow format version 1
version Any metadata for the workflow None
steps List of all workflow steps (See below) []
logger Workflow Logger Default Logger (see below)
SessionID Auto generated 8 digit value for each run of the workflow Generated

Step Attributes

The following attributes can be set for each step:

Attribute Description Default
metadata Any metadata for the step None
name Given name for the step ''
command Command to run, including arguments ''
continue_on_fail Continue to the next step even after failure false
timeout Timeout after which the step will be stopped. A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "ยตs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h". Never
workdir Work directory for the step None
probe Health probe definition. See above None
depends_on List of the steps this one depends on (should run after all of them have successfully finished) []
preflights List of pre-flight checks (see above) None
ask_to_proceed Stops the execution of the workflow and asks the user for a confirmation to continue false
show_command Shows the command and arguments for this step before running it false
disabled Disables the step (doesn't run it). This can be used for debugging or other selective workflow manipulations false
env Environment variables specific to this step []
logger Step logger Workflow logger (see below)

Trackman CLI

Global Options

The CLI supports the following global options:

Option Description Default
config Config file $HOME/.trackman.yaml
log-level Log level info
log-type Log Type. Valid options are stdout, stderr, discard, file stdout
log-format Log Format. Valid options are text and json text
log-file Log File. If file is used as log-type then this is used as the filename (path can be included)
no-update Don't update trackman CLI automatically false


Runs the given workflow. Use --help for more details.

$ trackman run -f file.yml


Run command supports the following options

Option Description Default
file, f Workflow file None
timeout Timeout after which the step will be stopped. A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "ยตs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h". 10 seconds
concurrency Number of concurrent steps to run Number of CPUs - 1
yes, y Answer Yes to all ask_to_proceed questions false


By default, trackman logs all output to stdout and at the info level. All logs from all steps are also combined and shown together as they are produced.

You can specify log configuration at the workflow level or for each individual step. If a step has no specific log configuration, it will inherit the configuration of the workflow. Preflight and Probes use the same log configuration as their step.

Log configuration can be defined with the following options:

Option Description Default
type Logger Type. Valid options are stdout, stderr, discard and file stdout
level Log level. Valid values are error, warn, info and debug info
format Log Format. Valid options are text and json text
destination Log file (can include path). If type is file this is used as the file name. If no path is provided, the current directory is used.

Here is an example:

version: 1
  type: "file"
  format: "json"
  destination: "workflow.json"
  - name: step1
      type: "stdout"
  - name: step2

In the example above, the workflow and step2 share a file called workflow.json for logging. Step1 however will log text to stdout.

You can use any attribute from Workflow and Step in naming your log file. Here is an example:

version: 1
  type: "file"
  format: "json"
  destination: "logs/{{ if .Step }}{{.Step.Name}}{{ else }}workflow{{ end }}.json"

The example above, will use workflow.json for workflow logs but a file named after the step name for each step. You can use Golang templates for this feature. The template is rendered with a context of Workflow and Step (in the example above, .Step is used)

Another example is to use the Workflow SessionID as log file name:

version: 1
  type: "file"
  destination: "logs/{{.Workflow.SessionID}}.log"


You can use the parse command to see how the workflow input yaml file is parsed and what the placeholders (like environment variables) are replaced with before running them. Use parse like run but without any timeout or concurrency options:

$ trackman parse -f workflow.yml


Manually checks for updates. It can also switch the current release channel.

$ trackman update [--channel name]


Shows the channel and the version

$ trackman version


Shows help.

$ trackman help


Trackman updates automatically to the latest available version after each run (except for the version command). By default it runs the stable channel but you can switch the channel:

$ trackman update --channel dev

This will switch trackman to the dev (development) channel and will update it to the latest version of that channel after each run. You can check for updates manually using the update command as well. dev channel doesn't get automatically updated.


Automatic Release

All commits into master are built, tested and released on the edge channel. All tags are build, tested and released on the stable channel and the binaries are automatically uploaded to Github. dev branch is not automatically built or released.

Manual Release

If you want to release a new version of Trackman manually, follow these steps:

  1. Start a new Release in git flow. Make sure the release name is a valid SemVer text like 1.0.0-rc1 or 2.0.4.
  2. Run ./build.sh CHANNEL, replacing CHANNEL with dev or stable or edge
  3. Run ./publish.sh. This will upload the compiled binaries (previous step) to s3.
  4. Create a Github release from the tag and upload the binaries to it.

The last step assumes you have a configured AWS CLI installed on your machine with the right permissions to push to downloads.cloud66.com bucket.


Automatic Rollback

On Builtkite, run the needed release again with FORCE environment variable equal to force.

Manual Rollback

If you need to rollback a release, switch to the right tag and repeat the build / publish steps but run the build step with the --force flag:

$ ./build.sh CHANNEL --force

Having the force flag on a release will force all clients to update all the time which is not desired. You will need to take this flag off when the issue is resolved and push a new version out with a higher version.