Protobuf is a Common Lisp implementation of Google's protocol buffers, version 2. The repository contains a compiler from protocol buffer source code (.proto files) to Lisp and also run-time support needed by the generated Lisp code.
Protobuf passes all but a couple of the required proto2 tests in Google's conformance test suite. It implements neither the JSON nor text encoding formats.
Protobuf has been tested with ABCL, CCL, CLISP, Lispworks, and SBCL. In the past it has also worked with Allegro Common Lisp, but I have not tested it recently.
The Common Lisp protocol buffer compiler is implemented as a plugin to
Google's protocol buffer
compiler, so you must first build
and install Google's compiler, which is called protoc
. The code and
instructions here assume you are using release
The steps for installing protoc
from source are approximately:
cd /tmp
git clone google-protobuf
cd google-protobuf
git checkout v3.19.4
./configure --prefix=~/local/software/package/google-protobuf-3.19.4
make check
make install
You can also install protoc
by downloading a tar or zip archive for a
specific release from
After you have installed protoc
, clone this Git repository to create a local
copy and compile protoc-gen-lisp
, the Common Lisp protocol buffer plugin.
The required steps for Linux are approximately:
cd /tmp
git clone git://
cd protobuf/protoc/lisp
# Change INSTALL_ROOT and PROTOC_ROOT in Makefile. INSTALL_ROOT indicates
# where protoc-gen-lisp should be installed. PROTOC_ROOT indicates where
# you installed Google's protobuf compiler, when you compiled it in step 1.
# Compile and install the Lisp protoc plugin.
make install
Once both protoc
and protoc-gen-lisp
are installed, download and install
the Common Lisp packages that Protobuf depends on. First, you'll need ASDF,
but it comes pre-installed in most Common Lisp distributions. You'll also need
the package, which is available via Quicklisp. To run all the
tests, you'll need the Stefil testing package and its dependencies:
hu.dwim.stefil, hu.dwim.asdf, alexandria. All of these can easily be
downloaded using Quicklisp.
If you're not using Allegro, CLISP, or SBCL, you may need trivial-utf8, again available via Quicklisp.
Once you have acquired all Protobuf's dependencies, make them available to ASDF. There are several ways to do this and you should consult the ASDF documentation to determine what will work best for you. If you've downloaded dependencies using Quicklisp, then ASDF automatically knows about them.
ASDF and its manual are available here.
On my system, I tell ASDF where to find Protobuf's system files by creating a
file called source-registry.conf
in directory
with the following contents:
(:tree "/home/brown/src/protobuf/")
Make sure ASDF can execute Google's protocol buffer compiler and the Common
Lisp plugin. Both protoc
and protoc-gen-lisp
must be installed in
directories that appear in your shell's PATH
environment variable.
Compile and load all the protobuf code:
(asdf:load-system 'protobuf)
Optionally, load and run all the tests:
(asdf:test-system 'varint)
(asdf:test-system 'protobuf)
Compile and run the example code, which shows how to incorporate protocol buffer definition files into your own projects:
(asdf:load-system 'protobuf-example)
(in-package address-book)
(add-person :id 100
:name "Robert Brown"
:email-address "[email protected]"
:phone-numbers '((home . "718-555-1212")
(work . "212-589-1212")
(mobile . "917-555-1212")))
Please report bugs and send suggestions on GitHub or contact me directly. My email is robert.brown at the mail hosting site