Simple backup and restore script for Amazon DynamoDB using AWS SDK for Python (boto3) to work similarly to mysqldump.
Suitable for DynamoDB usages of smaller data volume which do not warrant the usage of AWS Data Pipeline for backup/restores/empty.
dynamodump supports local DynamoDB instances as well (tested with DynamoDB Local).
Table of Contents
pip install dynamodump
usage: dynamodump.py [-h] [-a {zip,tar}] [-b BUCKET] [-m {backup,restore,empty}] [-r REGION] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--accessKey ACCESSKEY] [--secretKey SECRETKEY] [-p PROFILE] [-s SRCTABLE] [-d DESTTABLE]
[--prefixSeparator PREFIXSEPARATOR] [--noSeparator] [--readCapacity READCAPACITY] [-t TAG] [--writeCapacity WRITECAPACITY] [--schemaOnly] [--dataOnly] [--noConfirm] [--skipThroughputUpdate]
[--dumpPath DUMPPATH] [--billingMode {PROVISIONED,PAY_PER_REQUEST}] [--log LOG] [--limit LIMIT] [-f FILTEROPTION]
Simple DynamoDB backup/restore/empty.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a {zip,tar}, --archive {zip,tar}
Type of compressed archive to create. If unset, don't create archive
-b BUCKET, --bucket BUCKET
S3 bucket in which to store or retrieve backups. [must already exist]
-m {backup,restore,empty}, --mode {backup,restore,empty}
Operation to perform
-r REGION, --region REGION
AWS region to use, e.g. 'us-west-1'. Can use any region for local testing
--host HOST Host of local DynamoDB. This parameter initialises dynamodump for local DynamoDB testing [required only for local]
--port PORT Port of local DynamoDB [required only for local]
--accessKey ACCESSKEY
Access key of local DynamoDB [required only for local]
--secretKey SECRETKEY
Secret key of local DynamoDB [required only for local]
-p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
AWS credentials file profile to use. Allows you to use a profile instead accessKey, secretKey authentication
Source DynamoDB table name to backup or restore from, use 'tablename*' for wildcard prefix selection or '*' for all tables. Mutually exclusive with --tag
Destination DynamoDB table name to backup or restore to, use 'tablename*' for wildcard prefix selection (defaults to use '-' separator) [optional, defaults to source]
--prefixSeparator PREFIXSEPARATOR
Specify a different prefix separator, e.g. '.' [optional]
--noSeparator Overrides the use of a prefix separator for backup wildcard searches [optional]
--readCapacity READCAPACITY
Change the temp read capacity of the DynamoDB table to backup from [optional]
-t TAG, --tag TAG Tag to use for identifying tables to back up. Mutually exclusive with srcTable. Provided as KEY=VALUE
--writeCapacity WRITECAPACITY
Change the temp write capacity of the DynamoDB table to restore to [defaults to 25, optional]
--schemaOnly Backup or restore the schema only. Do not backup/restore data. Can be used with both backup and restore modes. Cannot be used with the --dataOnly [optional]
--dataOnly Restore data only. Do not delete/recreate schema [optional for restore]
--noConfirm Don't ask for confirmation before deleting existing schemas.
Skip updating throughput values across tables [optional]
--dumpPath DUMPPATH Directory to place and search for DynamoDB table backups (defaults to use 'dump') [optional]
Set billing mode between PROVISIONED|PAY_PER_REQUEST (defaults to use 'PROVISIONED') [optional]
--log LOG Logging level - DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|CRITICAL [optional]
--limit LIMIT Limit option for backup, will stop the back up process after number of backed up items reaches the limit [optional]
Filter option for backup, JSON file of which keys are ['FilterExpression', 'ExpressionAttributeNames', 'ExpressionAttributeValues']
Backup files are stored in a 'dump' subdirectory, and are restored from there as well by default.
Script (unattended) usage
As of v1.2.0, note that --noConfirm
is required to perform data restores involving deletions without any confirmation.
Docker CLI usage
docker run --rm -it bchew/dynamodump -h
dynamodump container images are also published to Amazon ECR Public and GitHub Packages:
AWS example
Single table backup/restore:
dynamodump -m backup -r us-west-1 -s testTable
dynamodump -m restore -r us-west-1 -s testTable
Multiple table backup/restore (assumes prefix of 'production-' of table names, use --prefixSeparator to specify a different separator):
dynamodump -m backup -r us-west-1 -s production*
dynamodump -m restore -r us-west-1 -s production*
The above, but between different environments (e.g. production-_ tables to development-_ tables):
dynamodump -m backup -r us-west-1 -s production*
dynamodump -m restore -r us-west-1 -s production* -d development*
Backup all tables and restore only data (will not delete and recreate schema):
dynamodump -m backup -r us-west-1 -s "*"
dynamodump -m restore -r us-west-1 -s "*" --dataOnly
Dump all table schemas and create the schemas (e.g. creating blank tables in a different AWS account):
dynamodump -m backup -r us-west-1 -p source_credentials -s "*" --schemaOnly
dynamodump -m restore -r us-west-1 -p destination_credentials -s "*" --schemaOnly
Backup all tables based on AWS tag key=value
dynamodump -p profile -r us-east-1 -m backup -t KEY=VALUE
Backup all tables based on AWS tag, compress and store in specified S3 bucket.
dynamodump -p profile -r us-east-1 -m backup -a tar -b some_s3_bucket -t TAG_KEY=TAG_VALUE
dynamodump -p profile -r us-east-1 -m backup -a zip -b some_s3_bucket -t TAG_KEY=TAG_VALUE
Restore from S3 bucket to specified destination table
## source_table identifies archive file in S3 bucket from which backup data is restored
dynamodump -a tar -b some_s3_bucket -m restore -r us-east-1 -p profile -d destination_table -s source_table
Local example
The following assumes your local DynamoDB is running on localhost:8000 and is accessible via 'a' as access/secret keys. You must specify the host to get local behavior.
dynamodump -m backup -r local -s testTable --host localhost --port 8000 --accessKey a --secretKey a
dynamodump -m restore -r local -s testTable --host localhost --port 8000 --accessKey a --secretKey a
Multiple table backup/restore as stated in the AWS examples are also available for local.
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
# install dev requirements
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
# one-time install of pre-commit hooks
pre-commit install