Bazel examples and tutorials
A collection of examples of how to use the Bazel build system.
Introductory tutorials
- C++ basics
- Java basics
- End to End
A full end-to-end system with a backend, an Android app, and an iOS app. - iOS basics
- Using query
Working examples for The Query quickstart
Example cookbook
- Using Android Jetpack Compose
- Using Firebase Cloud Messaging
- Using the NDK
- Using Roboelectic tests and Kotlin
Rule writing
- Accessing attributes of a rule
- A rule with both explict and implicit outputs
- Creating a simple
rule - Rules that change the build flags
- Rules with implicit dependencies
- Using a macro wrapper to compute an output file name
- Using aspects
- Using ctx.actions.expand_template
- Using ctx.actions.run_shell to wrap simple commands
- Using to run a tool
- Using ctx.actions.write to create a file at analysis time
- Using depsets
- Using "Make" variables in your rules
- Using mandatory providers to ensure your dependencies are of the right type
- Using runfiles