Display images in the terminal with ease.
is a Rust library that makes it easy to show images in the
terminal. It has a straightforward interface and is configured
through a single struct. The default printing method is through
lower half blocks (â–„ or \u2585). However some custom graphics
protocols are supported. They result in full resolution images
being displayed in specific environments:
Add this to Cargo.toml
viuer = "0.6"
For a demo of the library's usage and example screenshots, see viu
// src/
use viuer::{print_from_file, Config};
fn main() {
let conf = Config {
// set offset
x: 20,
y: 4,
// set dimensions
width: Some(80),
height: Some(25),
// starting from row 4 and column 20,
// display `img.jpg` with dimensions 80x25 (in terminal cells)
// note that the actual resolution in the terminal will be 80x50
print_from_file("img.jpg", &conf).expect("Image printing failed.");
Or if you have a DynamicImage, you can use it directly:
// ..Config setup
let img = image::DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(image::RgbaImage::new(20, 10));
viuer::print(&img, &conf).expect("Image printing failed.");
Check the full documentation for examples and all the configuration options.