Syntax for writing informative testing assertions.
This is a set of macros for Sweet.js which extends JavaScript grammar with
syntax for writing informative testing assertions. It tries to generate
assertion messages which contain useful information, like 1 should be == 2
would generate 1 should be equal to 2
error message and so on.
I suggest using it with sweet-bdd for better describe
, it
% npm install --global sweet.js
% npm install sweet-bdd sweet-assertions
sjs -m sweet-bdd -m sweet-assertions tests.sjs
where tests.sjs
looks like this:
var assert = require('assert');
describe "sweet-assertions" {
function no() { throw new Error('x'); }
function yes() { }
it "works" {
1 + 2 should == 2 + 1
2 should != 1
2 should > 1
2 should >= 1
1 should < 2
1 should <= 2
{x: 1} should have x
true should be true
false should be false
true should be truthy
null should be falsy
no() should throw
yes() should not throw
"aabbcc" should contain "bb"